The US government is also known for fabricating evidence in order to
push its interests. This is particularly true in the international arena,
when the US wants a pretext to justify military action. For example, while
the media did not forget to remind everyone of the Lockerbie Pan Am crash,
none of them mentioned the US terrorist bombing of Libya. This occurred
after a bomb went off at a German nightclub, killing American soldiers. The
US proclaimed Libya was guilty (without any evidence) and sent fighter
planes to bomb civilian targets, including the President's residence,
killing his daughter. To this day no evidence of Libyan involvement has been
presented. Even if evidence existed, it does not justify use of military
force--there are diplomatic means and international courts for resolving
such issues. Instead, what is very evident, then and now, is that the US
will use any pretext to justify its own state terrorism.
    It is no accident that in the midst of the current hysteria created
about terrorism, Secretary of War (Defense) Perry warned of "strong action"
against any nation linked to the recent bombing of US troops in Saudi
Arabia. He claimed--without evidence--that the bombing will have an
international connection and that the "leading candidate" is Iran.
    Just what is the US up to? Why are there US troops in Saudi Arabia? Why
stir up suspicion against Iran? Who has forgotten that the US used terrorism
to install and back the Shah of Iran, who terrorized the peoples of Iran
until his overthrow in 1979? Now, when Iran is pursuing its own course, the
US labels it a "rogue" state to justify aggression, against Iran and in the
    Perry and the media conveniently leave out the reality that the US is
currently striving to establish a unipolar world under its dictate--striving
to be the single and sole dictator of the world. The US wants to dominate
the strategic Gulf region and control the main source of the world's
oil--both crucial for the success of their plans to weaken their imperialist
rivals and increase their own grip on Asia.
    Creating further justification for increasing their military presence
and threatening countries like Iran serves these US plans for world
domination. The "terrorist" scare, like the McCarthyite "red" scare of the
1950's, serves as justification for the increase of state terrorism by the
US. It is to frighten Americans into supporting this terrorism abroad and
into acceptance of militarism at home.

Shawgi Tell
University at Buffalo
Graduate School of Education

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