Queries Michael P:
> Each senseless act of front page violence is followed up by repressive
> legislation.  What do you think will be the followup of the shootings in
> Colo.?

The official reactions to this event will mesh with current events as
none before.  The boys' Naziphilia has already been established, meshing
well with the image of Milosevic as the Balkan Hitler.  The generous 
scattering of bombs will be interpreted (as may well have been so) as an 
act of solidarity with Serbia.  Look for kids as young as 10 to be hit 
with thinly veiled ideological screening tests by next fall.  Grading on
the F-scale will be added to report cards in an embedded chip by a state
presumably unaware of the mammoth irony involved, and much in tune with
the general unawareness that saves Americans from the bald reality of
themselves.  Dress codes will ban black and SA brown.

Incidentally, the big winner in this war will be the European far right,
for whom its domestic implications are simply manna from heaven.
The notion that those phony socialist ruling parties will be swept away
by a new left tide is, alas, a pathetic illusion.  The ruling cabal that
granted a bombing pause for Ramadan and then spurned two Easters is,
with fresh accent, the Great Satan of le Pen, Haider, Zhirinovsky and
new national figures soon to emerge.

                                         Now in a countdown to departure 


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