Iraq reports air attacks in
              northern zone 

              Baghdad cites deaths from jet debris

              By Reuters, 04/22/99 

                  AGHDAD - Iraq said Western
                  warplanes attacked Iraqi civilian and
              military sites in the north of the country

              A military spokesman said Iraqi air
              defenses engaged the attacking planes and
              forced them to flee. There was no mention
              of casualties or damage.

              ''Crows of evil and aggression returned to
              violate our national airspace targeting the
              service establishments and our weapon
              sites,'' the spokesman said in a statement
              carried by the official Iraqi News Agency.

              ''Our ground resistance units intercepted
              them and forced them to flee,'' the
              spokesman added.

              ''At 12:50 p.m on April 21, 10 hostile
              formations of the kind F-14s, F15s, F-16s,
              violated our airspace coming from Turkish
              skies,'' the spokesman said.

              He said the planes supported by an early
              warning, command and control plane flew
              over the northern regions of Amadiya,
              Zakho, Duhok, Arbil, Aqra, Mosul and

              The spokesman said Western planes had
              also flown over southern Iraq and were
              also ''challenged'' by Iraqi ground

              ''At 13:45 p.m, 11 hostile formations
              violated our airspace coming from Kuwaiti
              and Saudi skies. They implemented 18
              sorties from Saudi and six sorties from
              Kuwaiti skies,'' the spokesman said.

              He said the planes left Iraqi airspace for
              their bases in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait at
              3:40 p.m. 

              Earlier, a spokesman at an airbase in
              southern Turkey said US warplanes
              bombed Iraqi air defenses in the northern
              no-fly zone yesterday after being tracked
              by radar.

              He said all the aircraft had left the no-fly
              zone safely.

              Iraq also said a fuel tank discarded by a
              Western warplane had killed civilians
              when it hit the ground.

              INA quoted a letter from Iraq's Foreign
              Minister Mohammed Saeed Sahaf to the
              Arab League as saying the tank had been
              dropped on an agricultural area in the
              Afak district of southern Iraq.

              This story ran on page A26 of the Boston Globe on
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