As a member of the spoon collective I thought I should be the one to
forward this announcement to Pen-l.  I would be happy to answer your
questions about it privately or, if there is enough interest, also on
list.  Hans Ehrbar.

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Date: Wed, 21 Aug 1996 19:47:19 -0400
From: Spoon Collective <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ANNOUNCEMENT: Restructuring of Spoon marxism space

To all those on the spoon collective's marxism lists and all others 
interested in the discussion of marxist issues in cyberspace:

The spoon collective has decided to rebuild its space of marxism lists 
so as to expand and diversify its support of the discussion of marxism 
in cyberspace.

We have decided that our current structure -- of two marxism lists, one 
open and the other a little more closed, but both designated for 
the discussion of marxism in its generality -- has outlived its useful life 
as the single or pre-eminent, general, all-encompassing forum on marxism.
In particular, we are interested in enabling greater diversity of focussed 
and experimental discussions on a broad range of issues pertinent to marxism.
We want an environment which increases flexibility, enables more participation,
and encourages focus while still promoting cross-fertilization.

So: we are inviting proposals for new lists for the discussion of 
marxism.  We wish to replace the current structure of marxism lists 
with a new one, and are inviting any interested individuals and groups to 
suggest new lists, which we will help to manage and run, performing all 
the necessary technical duties.

We have already heard some suggestions for new lists -- e.g. on "Left Unity," 
"Marxism and Revolution," "Marxism and Science," "Marxism and Current Affairs".
We encourage more proposals, of whatever sort.  We imagine that some lists 
will be large and fairly broad in scope, while others could be small, and 
devoted to a specific reading (or other) project; we would be happy to hear 
proposals for lists that are either open or closed, more private or more 
public.  We would be especially interested to hear innovative ideas for new 
formats or moderation strategies.  Moreover, some lists could be temporary 
and others with indefinite lifespans.  We will be happy to create these new 
lists as soon as possible. 

Briefly, we will want one individual to act as moderator for each new list, 
and we will ask this individual to be on a list called "marx-administration,"
which will be a place for collaboration and discussion between the various
marxism list moderators.  It is up to the moderator to define what his or
her "moderation" will consist of, what the list's policies and charters
are to be.  We will ask for these to be specified as part of the proposal,
and would encourage proposals to be specific and concrete in their
description of the project that the proposed list is centered around, and the 
list's format and proposed policies (on subscription, archives etc. etc.).

The spoon collective will be more than happy to set up webspace, organize 
archives, customize the software etc. etc. to make these projects possible.

We also recognize the need, within our restructured marxism space, for 
a list which is completely open in the sense that it has no defined subject 
topic, no expulsion rules, and no moderator.  Our current intention is to 
call this list marxism-general.  We are also willing to entertain additional 
proposals for other unmoderated lists, if the given list's specific purpose 
can best be served by such an approach.

TO SUBMIT PROPOSALS for marxism lists to the spoon collective, please 
send them to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

We have created a new list, MARXISM-NEWS, which we ultimately envision as 
a permanent element of the new marxism space.  During the restructuring this 
list, in addition to the current M1 and M2 lists, will be used to keep you 
posted about the progress of the restructuring and about new lists as they 
become available.  If you wish to receive this information but are not
a member of either m1 or m2, please subscribe to MARXISM-NEWS, by sending
the message:    
    subscribe marxism-news 
to the following address:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   

We are very excited by the new possibilities that lie ahead for the 
discussion of marxism in cyberspace.  You will see the first of the new 
marxism discussion lists shortly, and we welcome ideas and proposals for 
others immediately.


for the spoon collective

     --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---
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