
Good to see you again.  I'm glad the rain has stopped, although I never got
out of the hotel today.  It's like old home week, catching up with friends.
LN is smaller this year than last time.  More later.


At 08:46 PM 4/23/99 -0400, Charles Brown wrote:
>How are you enjoying yourself here in Detroit and the Conference ?
>Is your  hotel  top still spinning ?
>>>> Michael Eisenscher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 04/22/99 12:47AM >>>
>Wherein the further left swallows its own tail . . .
>Socialist Workers Party (US)
>                denounces Pinochet arrest
>                By David Walsh
>                5 November 1998
>                The lead editorial in the November 2 edition of the
>                Militant, the weekly newspaper of the Socialist
>                Workers Party of the US, begins: "The October 17
>                arrest of Augusto Pinochet by British police, acting on
>                a warrant issued by two judges in Spain, has nothing to
>                do with defending human rights and is an attack on the
>                sovereignty of Chile. It should be condemned by
>                working people, especially in the United Kingdom and
>                the United States." . . .
>Rest of article is at:

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