What I found interesting was:

"Shleifer has never been formally charged with a misdeed, and he has
denied any wrongdoing. He has separated, however, from the Harvard
Institute, whose director is Jeffrey Sachs, also a Harvard economist.
Asked about the announcement that Shleifer had won the Clark award,
Sachs declined to comment."

Hmmmm.  Not even a "congrats"?  And in public, too.

Ultimately, Shleifer's conflict of interests, if it exists, is small
potatoes.  The big question is (or should be, for an award based on an
individual's overall accomplishment) how culpable he and his associates
are in the gross -- even criminal -- mismanagement of Russia's


> Andrei Shleifer won the John Bates Clark award.  The New York Times said
> that his conflict of interest case did not enter into the considerations.
> What is the status of that case?  Anybody know?
> --
> Michael Perelman
> Economics Department
> California State University
> Chico, CA 95929
> Tel. 530-898-5321

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