>Instant Antiwar Action Group    Contact: Will Miller
>Press Release     cell phone (802) 343-1169
>April 26th, 1999
>Why We are Occupying Bernie Sander's Burlington Office:
> [Burlington, VT] I am writing on behalf of the anarcho-socialist-feminist
>and anti-racist left in Vermont, some of whom are sitting next to me in
>this occupation.   We are in Bernie's Sander's office to help bring a halt
>to the escalating war in Yugoslavia and the ongoing war against Iraq, both
>supported by Sanders.
> Many of us worked on Bernie's campaigns through 1980's, the years he
>was--as the local press repeatedly put it--the "avowed socialist" Mayor
>of Burlington, Vermont. His descent into de facto membership the Democratic
>has been a major setback for the task of building a real electoral
>alternative to
>the two factions of the corporate property that monopolize what passes for
>political choice in the United States. Bernie's selling out says clearly to
>people and those unable to find work that even leftists become mainstream
>when and if they win office.
> Sanders presented himself to the left outside of Vermont as the leader of
>third party movement, vanquishing the two major parties in every Mayoral
>from 1981-88.
> When he first got elected Mayor of Burlington he was the only
>elected U.S. official to attend the anniversary of the Sandinista Revolution
>in Managua. The Gannett owned Burlington Free Press said he had to be
>removed from office "by any means necessary."  Now that same Burlington
>Free Press endorses his Congressional candidacy.
> Bernie became an imperialist to get elected in 1990. In August, 1990--after
>the Bush administration enticed Iraq into invading Kuwait--Sanders said he
>wasn't "going
>to let some damn war cost him the election,"  according to a staff
>member who was present at the time. So Sanders backed the buildup in the
>Persian Gulf
>and dumped on the left anti-imperialist peace movement, singling out his
>allies like Dave Dellinger for public criticism.
> He lost in 1988 Congressional race, the last time the Democratic
>Party ran an official candidate against him. In that election Sanders and
>the Democrat, Paul Poirer, split the majority of votes and the election
>went to the Republican, Peter Smith.
> Bernie--out of office for the first time in eight years--then went to
>the Kennedy School at Harvard for six months and came back with a new
>with the state's Democrats. The Vermont Democratic Party leadership has
>allowed no authorized candidate to run against Bernie in 1990 (or since)
>and in return, Bernie has repeatedly
>blocked third party building.  His closet party, the Democrats, are very
>worried about a left 3rd party forming in Vermont.  In the last two
>elections, Sanders has prevented Progressives
>in his machine from running against Howard Dean, our conservative Democratic
>Governor who was ahead of Gingrich in the attack on welfare.
> The unauthorized Democratic candidate in 1990, Delores Sandoval,
>an African American faculty member at the University of Vermont, was amazed
>that the official party treated her as a non-person and Bernie kept
>out-flanking her to her right. She opposed the Gulf build-up, Bernie
>supported it. She supported decriminialization of drug use and Bernie
>defended the war on drugs, and so on.....
> After being safely elected in November of 1990, Bernie continued to
>support the buildup while seeking membership in the Democratic
>Congressional Caucus--with the enthusiastic support of the Vermont
>Democratic Party leadership. But, the national Democratic Party blew him
>off, so he finally voted against the war and returned home--and as the war
>began--belatedly claimed to be the leader of the anti-war movement in
> Since 1991 the Democrats have given Bernie membership in their
>Congressional Caucus.  Reciprocally, Bernie has become an ardent imperialist.
>Sanders endorsed Clinton in 1992 and 1996. In 1992 he described Clinton as
>"lesser of evils," ( a justification he used to denounce when he was what
>the local
>press called an "avowed socialist").  By 1996 he gave Clinton an
>unqualified endorsement.
>He has been a consistent "Friend of Bill's" from since 1992.   One student
>I knew
>worked on the Clinton Campaign in 1996 and all across Vermont, Bernie was
>on the stage with the rest of the Vermont Democratic Party Leadership,
>while the unauthorized Democratic candidate for his Congressional seat was
>kept out in the audience.
> Sanders continues to support sanctions even though the Iraqi body
>count has now passed 1.5 million.  Just as he has supported every bombing
>of Iraq
>since 1992.  When Clinton sent military units to Kuwait and Saudi Arabia in
>October, 1994
>because Iraq moved troops inside Iraq closer to the Kuwait border
>(apparently about 100 miles away), Bernie supported this because "we cannot
>tolerate aggression."
>  As a Congressman in Vermont he has allied himself the MIA/POW crowd, the
>American Legion and the VFW, the very groups that redbaited him as Mayor.
>At the same
>time he and his staff "forget" to invite the Green Mountain Veteran's
>for Peace--the only anti-imperialist veteran's group in the state--to his
>sponsored Veteran's events.  He sends out mailings to veterans that
>supports the US having "the strongest military in the world," while
>praising our sacrifices as veterans "for the freedom of Americans."
> Bernie regularly rides out with the rest of the Vermont Congressional
>delegation defending the military contracts in Vermont against cuts by the
>Pentagon, while arguing that some moderation in military spending is
>possible on the grounds "that the
>threat of communism is over" (WCAX interview, 10/94)
> Incidentally, Sanders now has a stronger record voting on the Democratic
>side in the Congress than either Bonoir or Gephardt--the Congressional
>of the Democratic Party.  It is tempting to situate Sanders within the
>framework of the
>Congress as a whole. By that standard he doesn't look so bad--though that's
>a very
>low standard to use. But remember, unlike Maxine Waters or Ron Dellums who
>moved continuously to their left during their Congressional careers, Bernie
>got where he is now by a lurch to the right. He promises working people,
>the aged, the poor, and the "vanishing middle class" that he will defend
>them while he repeatedly blocks the building of the anti-capitalist
>political movement and party that might actual make such promises
>Indeed, when challenged publicly about his failure to help build a left
>to the major capitalist parties, Sanders claims he is now too busy with his
>work in
>Congress to be bothered.
> Among his other discredits, Sanders supported the Federal Crime Bill that
>give the gave the capitalist state more than 50 new pretexts to execute
>members of the working class--because those without capital get the
>punishment. He did this while courting the Vermont Police Chief's Assn.
> Sanders also voted to extradite Assata Shakur from Cuba in violation of
>the existing treaties with Cuba.
> Recently, Bernie championed in Congress the dumping of Vermont's nuclear
>waste near Sierra Blanca, Texas, a low income border community with a
>mostly Latino population that is overwhelmingly opposed to the dump
>project.  Environmental racism and classism seem not to bother him.
> On a related issue, Bernie was recently asked by the local press why he
>was the only member of Vermont' s three member Congressional delegation who
>had no person of color on his staff. Bernie responded that "we're hiring
>the most qualified people we can."
> For all of these reasons, we are sitting-in at Bernie Sander's Office.  We
>call on all Vermonters who shares our concern and horror at what U.S.
>Empire is doing in Yugoslavia and Iraq to make your voices heard!  Join us
>at Sanders office or pay a call on the office of Senators Leahy and
>Stafford.  All three of them support both of these wars!  In a one-party
>system, they call it a "bi-partisan" on foreign policy.
>In solidarity with the peoples of Iraq and Yugoslavia!
>For the Instant Antiwar Action Group
>Will Miller
>10 Machia Hill Rd.
>Westford, VT 05494
>office (802) 656-3137
>home:(802) 879-0288
>Will Miller   Phones:  (802) 656-3137 (office)
>Philosophy Department  before 9:00 PM (802) 879-0288 (home)
>University of Vermont (UVM)  Philosophy Dept. FAX (802) 656-3133
>70 South Williams Street, Room 107              E-mail  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Burlington, VT 05401-3404  Web page:  http://www.uvm.edu/~wmiller
>Manifest Destiny 1998:
> "If we have to use force, it is because we are America!  We are the
>indispensable nation.  We stand tall.  We see further into the future"
> Madeleine Albright, U.S. Secretary of State, February 19, 1998
Ron Jacobs\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\I never intend to
Bailey Howe Library\\\\\\\\\\\to adjust myself to
University of Vermont\\\\\\\\the madness of militarism
Burlington, VT\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\-Martin Luther King, Jr.

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