The most characteristic feature of the Liberal Party (Canada) is that
it is out of place and time. It has nothing to offer to solve the
problems facing society. On the contrary, it is using the problems
in order to consolidate its stranglehold on power. All that matters
to the Liberal Party is to remain in power.
     The language question is one of the most important problems at
this time. With the masses of people migrating from every corner of
the globe to other areas, there is not a single major country in
the world which does not have significant national minority
populations. With the existence of national minority populations,
the language question arises.
     Language is one of the most important features of a nation,
alongside its common economy, psychology and territory. The
imperialist powers are opposed to providing any rights to national
minorities, least of all the right to educate their children using
their own language as the medium of instruction. In order to solve
this language problem in Canada there is an immediate need for a
modern constitution.
     The Liberal Party recognizes only English and French, and this
recognition is on a racist basis. Instead of contributing to the
flourishing of all languages and cultures in Canada, the Liberal
Party is inciting people to fight against Francophones in Quebec.
The objective of this incitement is to split the people on the
basis of language and ensure that the people of Quebec do not
exercise their right to self-determination. The Liberal Party is
hell-bent to create racist divisions instead of solving this
language problem by way of a modern constitution.

Shawgi Tell
University at Buffalo
Graduate School of Education

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