Information, misinformation and disinformation are words that
can be all considered to be "loaded."  Who is to deliberate on what
is information, misinformation and disinformation? It is precisely
on this point that the leading role of the working class appears on
the scene. The issue presents itself in this way: Disinformation
involves the elimination of both information and misinformation
from the society. Disinformation forces the society to rid itself
of all generally accepted facts of life.
     From the time of Karl Marx's two historic discoveries (the
general law of motion of society, dialectical and historical
materialism; and the specific law of motion of capitalist society,
the theory of surplus value) the bourgeoisie has engaged in
misinformation in an all-encompassing way and on the broadest
scale. There has not been a single scholar of any caliber, an
economist, philosopher or political scientist, who has repudiated
these discoveries of Karl Marx to date. Still, the bourgeoisie not
only believes that Karl Marx was wrong but insists that no one must
follow him.
     The revolutionary movement of the twentieth century made it
extremely difficult to carry out misinformation as there arose a
socialist society which could easily refute what was not correct. 
However, with the rise of pseudo-socialism and the bipolar division
of the world, the two superpowers worked and carried out wide-scale
disinformation. The main aim of disinformation is to rid the
society of the information which is required to open the path for
the progress of the society.

Shawgi Tell
University at Buffalo
Graduate School of Education

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