this is what we contend with here....

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 19 Oct 1998 13:15:50 -0400 (EDT)
From: Jennifer Jensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Grad students <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ltr to (fwd)

This is an letter to  Chancellor Hooker of UNC written by the mother of
a polisci undergrad. It was posted to the UNC poli sci grad students'

If you aren't interested delete.  It's a long rant against  feminism and
communism, and everything else that we do here.

Forwarded originally by Jennifer Jensen                                 
Department of Political Science
University of North Carolina

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Fri, 09 Oct 1998 14:22:33 PDT
> From: Gloria Poole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: ltr to Chancellor Hooker
> Dear Sir: I am writing because I have many concerns about the nature of
> the education at UNC. My daughter is a sophomore here, and I have
> recently visited her. I hear from her ideas that I find unacceptable. It
> seems they will be reading Karl Marx's works in her Political Science
> Class soon. I am adamantly against the teaching of communism, not only
> at UNC, but anywhere in the U.S. If you have also studied Marx, then you
> know that he is anti-God and anti-freedom. His basic premises that
> government is god, and that government has the right to reallocate all
> resources as they see fit, are directly opposed to the principles of
> freedom that the United States was founded upon. If you understand the
> principle of seed time and harvest, then you understand that when
> students read something, anything, it plants seeds in their minds, that
> later spring forth into action. I do not want my daughter, or anybody
> else's taught anti-God, anti-freedom, communist principles.  The Bible
> says it is better not to even speak of the evil that occurs in dark
> places. Communism is evil. Lest you forget, it has been responsible for
> the deaths of millions of people--about 60 million in Russia, and
> probably that many more in Cambodia, Afghanistan, Germany. The
> principles of totalitarian government, whether it is called socialism,
> fascism, communism, are against liberty. The Bible says, "now the Lord
> is the Spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty." If
> you don't know the principles of communism, then I will sum them up for
> you: government owns all assets, controls all assets, controls
> education, brainwashes the population, eliminates God who is the source
> of liberty, and uses strong arm tactics when the people do not willingly
> comply, which explains the death of the millions. Does this sound like
> an improvement over the freedoms we are supposed to have in this
> country? I ask you to stop the teaching of communism, socialism, and
> anti-God doctrine at the University immediately. If you continue, then
> you can be proud of the university's role in the destruction of America,
> because you cannot both teach oppression and liberty simultaneously
> without catastrophe. The Bible says a house divided against itself will
> not stand. (Matthew) If you don't want your assets seized by the feds,
> and your family waked up in the night and "escorted" to "protective
> places" then don't  teach communism. You reap what you sow, the Bible
> says.
>   Also, I have another concern, some of the feminist doctrine is being
> taught in the political science classes apparently disguised as
> political science. Though I am a woman, I am not a feminist. The word
> itself is offensive because it separates women into two groups, the
> women who think that only women are competent, and the ones who know
> that God set up men to be the heads of households, and the leaders of
> the nation. I have diligently studied my Bible and I know that God put
> Adam in charge when he made him, and said that Eve was the "helpmeet" to
> Adam, not the other way around. I did not think it was so, but I ended
> up divorced. I am old enough to know that men are designed by God to be
> aggressive, not namby-pamby, "sensitive", half-men,half-nothing types.
> They cannot be other than what God made them to be, nor can women. The
> idea that women are to be worshipped as gods is as old as the first
> story in the Bible, where Eve deliberately and willfully disobeyed God,
> and then enticed Adam to do the same. But go back and re-read the story
> and you will see that God punished Adam more than He punished Eve. Eves'
> punishment was only in childbirth,but Adam's was daily. I do not want my
> daughter taught the worship of women as truth, or as "politically
> correct" or as "political science".  Women have clearly defined roles,
> and their power and influence over men is not insignificant in any way.
> Women have always had the power to destroy men, when the women are
> wicked. If you doubt that, then pay close attention to the impeachment
> hearings that are about to begin. Wicked women do not deserve to be
> elevated to some high honor. Nor should women be worshipped, nor have a
> separate set of "rights" given them by virture of their womanhood. They
> cannot both deny it and trade on it at the same time. They cannot yell
> they need special rights because they are women, and they yell they want
> "equal" rights as men. It is not logical, nor is it productive. I
> certainly think that if the word of God is taught, then all problems
> will be solved. The Bible says a man should love his wife as he loves
> HIS OWN BODY. How many times have you seen a man abuse his own body?
> That principle would solve all problems and it also says a woman should
> reverence her husband. You don't argue, fight with, and ignore someone
> you reverence. Would that not make a tremendous and immediate impact on
> all marriages, and all other relationships? Men and women love
> differently and the Bible acknowledges that truth. Men adore women and
> can be lead astray too easily, if they don't stay in the study of the
> Bible and commit their lives to the Lord. Women need to respect the men
> they are married too but how can they respect a mealy-mouthed,
> wishy-washy,passive, indifferent man? They cannot. If they can lead him
> around by his ----, then they will eventually hate him. That is fact,
> and the testimony of Lewinsky will prove it again. If she had not hated
> him, she would not have gone public with information that would shame,
> humiliate,disgrace and remove him from office.
>   Furthermore, the whole feminist doctrine that women have the right to
> kill their offspring is an abomination to God.  The commandment in
> Exodus 20:13 of "thou shalt not kill" applies to all equally. God is
> truly not a respecter of persons. He does not write one set of rules for
> women and another one for men. His commandments apply to all, and all
> are judged equally before His throne on judgement day.  If women kill
> their offspring, they will have to give an account before God for the
> murder of a human being. Likewise with men. To have the "right to kill"
> (aka the right to choose, the right to an abortion, "reproductive
> freedom") taught to students who are captive audiences under the
> disguise of teaching them about our nation, is wrong. It violates the
> principle of God which says do not justify the wicked or  condemn the
> righteous. Killing is wrong, and is always wrong, and no man-made law
> will ever change that, because God decreed it. No act of Congress, or
> our state will ever change God's laws. We all have a duty before God to
> teach righteousness. I know that from this verse, "whosoever shall
> offend one of these little ones who believe in me, it would be better
> that a millstone were tied about his neck and he were drowned in the
> depth of the sea". (Matthew 18 , all verses King James Holy Bible). If
> you allow the teaching of wickedness to the "little ones" then you see
> what God has said you should wish for. It is a duty to teach
> righteousness here and everywhere. I do not wish for my daughter or any
> body's offspring to be taught wickedness, or to be told wrongly that
> they have the right to kill. That teaching will land them in jail, or
> dead, if they act on it. Galatians says "be not deceived. God is not
> mocked. For whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." If you
> allow the teaching of perversions, (homosexuality is also a sin
> according to Romans ch 1) and wickedness, then do not be surprised when
> the University of N.C. self destructs; it will reap what it sows. If
> sowing death and destruction under the pretense of political
> correctness, or "women's rights" or any other buzz words, that is what
> it shall reap, according to God's word. Do not be deceived about the
> truth of this.  How else can you account for the shootings on the school
> grounds, where the children were taught by the schools that they had the
> right to kill? They did what they were taught to do. Now, those children
> are the children who will be deciding the fate of our nation in coming
> years. Should we expect them to hold life sacred if they are taught no
> human development or anatomy  and that humans are no different from
> animals, and that women have the right to kill? Life is sacred, and God
> keeps score of every innocent child sacrificed. If you doubt it, read
> Psalms 106:36-42 in King James Bible and see what God says happens to
> the people who shed innocent blood. I pray for you to repent of the
> false teaching and turn back to God and implement His truth in all
> classes at the University. The Bible says "the fear of the Lord is the
> beginning of wisdom and the knowledge of the Holy is understanding."
> Proverbs 9:10. Teach students that and you will have done something
> great. Teach them any thing without that and you are teaching false
> doctrine and will have to give an account before God on His judgement
> day. I pray for all of you and especially for my daughter. I pray also
> that if the school will not turn back to God, that God will lead her out
> to a better school so she will not learn lies and half-truths. I pray
> also that God will have mercy on all of you if you continue on the path
> of wicked instruction to God's "little ones".
> Gloria Poole, R.N.

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