At 10:42 PM 5/10/99 -0700, Peter D wrote:
>...We are kidding ourselves if we think that the reason there are fewer
research scandals in economics than, say, medicine is that economists are
more honest and scrupulous.  ...

One of the big scandals of the 1980s was Martin Feldstein's erroneous use
of a computerized model to trash Social Security. But he was rewarded for
his work.

Similarly, Robert Fogel produced econometric nonsense in the 1970s (with
Stanley Engerman, the infamous book TIME ON THE CROSS) and was rewarded
with an endowed chair in economic history at Harvard.

I don't think the problem is with econometrics as much as with the
economics profession. That profession can spin gold into dirty straw. This
is not just true with econometrics (which is hardly gold) but also with the
writings of Adam Smith and mathematics. 

I won't go into a schpiel about how the structure of the profession creates
all sorts of perverse incentives, because I've done so before.

Bombing DESTROYS human rights. US/NATO out of Serbia!

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