Tom Walker wrote: >>>The critique has been that econometrics CAN'T show
that the economic data are or aren't "consistent with one's theory".<<<

saith I: >>No, the critique of econometrics (or at least the informed
critique) says we can't prove anything using econometrics.<<

Tom quotes Lakatos (on Duhem-Quine thesis): >'no experimental result can
kill a theory: any theory can be saved from counter-instances either by
some auxiliary hypothesis or by a suitable reinterpretation of its terms'.<

and adds: >And, because econometrics is non-experimental, the scope for
such theory-rescue is widened considerably.<

The fact that "no experimental result can kill a theory" is due to the way
"scientific research programs" (Lakato's term) are set up, not due to
econometrics. But what if one doesn't participate in the dominant
scientific research program? I know I don't participate in that program,
since I think that that program reflects (in an alienated way) the class
nature of capitalist society. 

I think that the critique of econometrics (much of which is valid) suffers
from the same disease as the adulation -- the mystique, the fetishism -- of
econometric which inflicts the official economics profession. The official
economists think that econometrics is _wonderful_, a magic bullet for
showing how _scientific_ "we" are. The antiofficials then trash
econometrics as horrible, and assert that it should never be used, etc. But
that's confusing a symptom with the disease. The basic sickness is with the
economics profession (which reflects the basic sicknesses of capitalism),
not with econometrics _per se_. To some extent, to trash econometrics in a
unvarnished way is to distract us from the basic problem. 

I think that econometrics has been misused over and over again (and will be
misused in the future). It's also not a "neutral tool," since it treat the
empirical world as simply data. But with a little sophistication, it's
better than tables of numbers or charts. It seems to me if one accepts
Tom's root-and-branch dismissal of econometrics, one should reject all
empirical research involving numbers. 

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