bill mitchell wrote:

> Both australia and NZ are outdoor places and aquatic. but jerry, there is a
> significant difference b/tw a 60 metre america's cup boat that hangs
> around the wealthy moorings in wellington or auckland, and the working
> class "mirror" which dad and mum tow behind there clapped out sedan to
> the beach in summer.
> it is hardly a sign of wealth to own a little skiff or dinghy like a mirror.

True enough -- there is a difference between 12 meter yachts and Optimist
dinghies. However, the ownership of any yacht that requires fixed moorings
(as in a keel yacht rather than a trailable centerboard boat) involves
large expenses. If you are suggesting that most working-class families who
own boats own small trailable boats, I'm not sure if that is the case.


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