>> 4. why censoring the USA for the whole world is a breakthrough.
>Though of course we wouldn't even be talking to each other like this if it
>weren't for the Pentagon.

there is a fallacy in this argument Doug. you assume there is a uniqueness to
phenomena. but path dependency can be non-unique and depends vitally on
starting values.

in this case we communicate via email b/c of the beginnings of the net in
military intelligence in the usa. but if that hadn't have happened it still
might have happened via another path.

so is tomorrow over?

kind regards

         ####    ##       William F. Mitchell
       #######   ####     Head of Economics Department
     #################    University of Newcastle
   ####################   New South Wales, Australia
   ###################*   E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   ###################    Phone: +61 49 215065
    #####      ## ###            +61 49 215027
                          Fax:   +61 49 216919  
                  ##      http://econ-www.newcastle.edu.au/~bill/billyhp.html   

"only when the last tree has died and the last river has been poisoned
and the last fish been caught will we realise we cannot eat money."
(Cree Indian saying...circa 1909)

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