Jim: You wouldn't call the period since 1952 [44 years] the "long run"?
Given what Dumenil & Levy [no relation, I think, JL] write below, isn't
Alejandro's quote accurate?


On Tue, 29 Oct 1996 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Alejandro Valle Baeza writes that: >>I think that Dumenil et al
> showed that rate of profit is falling in the long run in the US
> economy.<<
> The last book that Alejandro cites Dumenil & Levy, The Economics
> of Profit Rate, does not show a downward trend from 1869 to the
> present. Rather, the data show a pattern of the following sort:
> "Considering the trend of the accounting profit rate, th
> periodization can be stated as follows. A first period is evident
> from the beginning of the series [1869] up to the 1900s [during
> which the profit rate falls].  At this point, the tendency is
> reverse, and the profit rate is progressively augmented from then
> 1910s to the 1940s. Then a new decline is initiated. This trend
> begins in 1869 at 39.3 percent, falls to a minimum value of 22.5
> percent in 1912; it reaches its maximum in 1951 at 35.5 percent,
> and then falls back to 25.4 percent in 1989." (p. 256)

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