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Date sent:              Wed, 19 May 1999 08:47:32 -0700
To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From:                   Sid Shniad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The Victoria Times-Colonist                     13 MAY 1999 page A15


        by Dr. Mary-Wynne Ashford 

        I am writing with an enormous sense of urgency and dread. I 
have just been at a seminar in Moscow, followed by one at the Olof 
Palme Institue in Stockholm. The meetings have convinced me we 
are on the brink of nuclear war by the unintentional escalation of 
the war against Yugoslavia.
        Only western press and television coverage does not portray the 
significance of the change in Russian policy regarding nuclear 
weapons. The media imply that Russian warnings of a looming 
world war, and their refusal to ratify START II, are the usual 
political threats to gain concessions from the U.S.A. and loans from 
the International Monetary Fund.
        This analysis does not reflect the profound change in public 
opinion expressed even by Moscow members of International 
Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War. One of our long-term 
IPPNW doctors, Dr. Davidenko, has changed from advocating 
nuclear disarmament to advocating nuclear deterrence for Russia. 
Our meeting with Aleksander Arbatov, deputy chairman of the 
Defence Committee of the Russian State Duma, left us deeply 
        Arbatov stated that U.S.-Russian relations, in the wake of 
NATO's bombing campaign in Yugoslavia, are at the "worst, most 
acute, most dangerous juncture since the U.S.-Soviet Berlin and 
Cuban missile crises."  He states that START II is dead, co-
operation with NATO is frozen, co-operation on missile defence is 
out of the question, and Moscow's willingness to co-operate on 
non-proliferation issues is at an all-time low.
        Moreover, anti-U.S. sentiment in Russia is real, deep and more 
wide-spread than ever, and the slogan describing NATO action - 
"today Serbia, tomorrow Russia," is "deeply planted in Russian's 
minds." Arbatov was bitter about 10 years of wasted opportunities 
on both sides, with disarmament talks completely stalled even 
before this crisis.
        Scientist, politicians, doctors and generals all told us the same 
thing, that NATO bombings of Serbia have set back disarmament 
20 years. Some said that India and Pakistan are safe now they have 
nuclear weapons and that other states like North Korea will step up 
their nuclear weapons programs. Officials from Minatom, the 
Russian atomic energy agency, have indicated their great concern 
about some 22 nuclear reactors in the region of conflict. A bomb 
hitting a reactor by accident would cause a catastrophe worse than 
Chernobyl. Government spokesmen told us repeatedly that Russia 
will not allow the bombings to continue for another month, and that 
because their conventional forces are in tatters, Russia must rely on 
its nuclear weapons. I must ask, "if these are idle threats, what 
distinguishes them from real threats?" The credibility of the people 
we spoke with has convinced me that the threats are serious.
        Opinion is divided in most countries, even in peace 
organizations, about whether the NATO bombings were a 
humanitarian effort to stop a genocide or an act of aggression by 
NATO, but their impact on nuclear weapons policy is an extremely 
serious development. Most worrisome to us was the consistency of 
the statements from speakers at the Moscow seminar and those we 
met later in ministries of foreign affairs and health.
        The single exception was Dr. Evgenie Chazov. He said we must 
renew our efforts for nuclear disarmament in this very dangerous 
situation. Dr. Chazov said we are back where we were in 1981 
when he and American cardiologist Dr. Bernard Lown founded 
IPPNW, but our work will be more difficult now.
        The Russian speakers deplored ethnic cleansing and did not 
support Milosovic, but Dr. Serguei Kapitsa, a scientist famous for 
his weekly television show, stated that Russians feel a sense of 
betrayal by the West and a profound loss of confidence in treaties 
and in the United Nations because NATO took this action outside 
the UN. Previously confident that Russia was moving toward 
integration with Europe, they focused their security concerns only 
on their southern and eastern boundaries. Now they perceive their 
primary threat from the West.
        Officials in Foreign Affairs (Arms Control and Disarmament) 
told us that Russia has no option but to rely on nuclear weapons for 
its defence because its conventional forces are inadequate. When I 
said that if Russia used even a single nuclear weapon the U.S.A. 
would respond with hundreds or thousands of missiles, they nodded 
and said "Yes, it would be suicidal, but how else can we defend 
        As I left Moscow, I felt the same dread I experienced in the 
Reagan years, with a similar sense of unreality. While the Russians 
are comparing this situation to the Cuban missile crisis, journalists 
in the West tell me that the war is almost over now that 
negotiations including the Russians are under way. Why are they 
reassured when Milosevic has not agreed to anything, and the 
bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade has added even 
greater tensions to this war?
        Even if the bombings stop now, they changes in Russia's 
attitude toward the West, its renewed reliance on nuclear weapons 
with thousands on high alert, and its loss of confidence in 
international law leave us vulnerable to catastrophe.
        Those of us who live in NATO countries must convince our 
governments to stop the bombings until negotiations can bring 
about a settlement. This crisis makes de-alerting nuclear weapons 
more urgent than ever. To those who say the Russian threat is all 
rhetoric, I reply that rhetoric is what starts wars.
        The global situation is the most urgent crisis of our time. We 
must mobilize all or networks to stop this bombing before we slide 
into the final world war. 

Dr. Mary-Wynne Ashford is co-president of the Nobel Peace Prize 
winning IPPNW.

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