At 7:55 PM 10/31/96, Gerald Levy wrote:

>Oh, yeah: why don't you ask him to summarize _Capital_ for a 30 second
>soundbite for "Nightline"?

How about:

"Beginning with an analysis of that strange but unexamined thing, the
commodity, Marx examines the human social relations behind its creation and
sale, uncovering exploitation and violence behind the facade of peaceful
exchange. He then broadens his inquiry to cover the system as a whole,
first by examining what today is called the "real" economy - investment,
growth, the relations between economic sectors - and then turning to a
prescient analysis of the seemingly unreal worlds of money and credit."

Took me 24 seconds in my radio mode.



Doug Henwood
Left Business Observer
250 W 85 St
New York NY 10024-3217
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