South Korean authorities detained 25 people October 17, charging
them under the fascist "national security law" that outlaws
virtually any disagreement with the puppet government. A well-known
student leader Kang Song Mo was among those arrested along with
several labor leaders and youth activists.

South Korea has been undergoing a severe economic, political and
military crisis for almost two years. Its economy is largely
dependent on exports that have shrunk substantially in recent years
from reduced spending in the imperialist countries because of the
anti-social offensive, and also from increased competition.
     October 16, virtually the entire south Korean military
leadership was fired as the crisis spread into the heart of the
fascist ruling circles. Fascist leader Kim Young-sam in a reported
speech to his new appointees said, "I want you to do your best to
strengthen defense capabilities on the basis of a solid alliance
with the United States and our own strong military power." There
are hints in the monopoly-controlled international media that the
U.S. imperialists are losing confidence that the puppet regime can
handle the crisis. The movement for reunification with the north is
growing apace and such incidents as the bloody suppression of the
students in August and the merciless slaughter of young shipwrecked
sailors from the north are weakening the authority of the fascist

A chieftain of U.S. imperialism, John Deutch, director of the U.S.
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), paid a secret visit to south
Korea around October 16-17. He was reported to have met with the
fascist leader Kim Young-sam, his top advisor on foreign and
security affairs and the south Korean Defence Minister.
Coincidentally, the very days that Deutch was in south Korea all
the top generals in the south Korean armed forces were fired.

>From October 21 to 27, all the largest imperialist arms dealers
were showing their wares in Seoul. Participating were 214 aerospace
and defense-related companies from 21 countries. As part of its war
hysteria, south Korea is engaged in a feverish arms race. South
Korean Air Force leaders have said they are in the market for as
many as 500 modern fighter jets and 30 to 40 more antisubmarine
patrol aircraft as well as missiles of all varieties.
     Reports say that billions of dollars worth of deals were
signed during the air show. Aircraft on display included fighter
jets such as the F-15E, F-117 and F/A-18 from the United States,
the Su-30 and Su-37 from Russia, the Rafale from France, the Hawk
from Britain and the Eurofighter 2000 which is being jointly
developed by Germany, Spain, Italy and Britain.
     Huge military spending has always been part of the imperialist
economy and one its most parasitic features. Large amounts of money
are taken out of the economy to pay for the arms race,
seriously weakening the economy and accentuating the economic
crisis. The anti-social offensive is in part a response on the part
of the bourgeoisie to find money to fund their military purchases.

International finance capital led by the imperialists of the U.S.,
Europe and Japan are putting pressure on Russia to allow easier
access to its national economy. The International Monetary Fund
(IMF) has refused to allow release of the October tranche of its
long-term loan to Russia. The IMF says that unless Russia
institutes further changes in its economy desired by the
international consortium of finance capitalists, the November
tranche will not be released as well. The tranche for the month of
July was also not released.
     The Russian government says that it is broke and cannot pay
its bills and desperately needs the IMF funds. Each tranche totals
approximately US$340 million. The full IMF loan to Russia is for
more than US$6 billion. The Russian government reports that
national revenue for 1996 has been only 65 percent of the projected
amount. This year's fall in revenue caps several years of
disastrous declines. Russia has engaged in a serious anti-social
offensive, removing large amounts of money from the economy to pay
for a growing trade in luxury commodities, the arms race and the
rapid growth of a capitalist class. This removal of money from the
economy has left it in ruins causing great hardship for the people.

Almost one-half million German industrial workers waged a one day
protest strike on Thursday October 24, against the anti-social
offensive of the monopoly capitalists. Proletarians in their tens
of thousands from auto plants, shipbuilding yards and the vast
German metal works walked picket lines and marched in
demonstrations throughout the country.
     A federal law passed last month reduced sick pay for workers
and heralds a new series of attacks on benefits that is effectively
reducing the standard of living of the masses of Germans. The one
day strike was the culmination of other protests and work
     The size and participation in the pickets and demonstrations
was truly impressive and showed that the German working class wants
to fight the anti-social offensive. Over 60,000 workers picketed
outside the Stuttgart auto plants of the luxury carmaker
Mercedes-Benz in one action. Steel mills in the Ruhr Valley were
brought to a standstill as workers, reported to be carrying red
flags, picketed the many mills in the region. Over 10,000
steelworkers demonstrated outside the Thyssen Stahl AG steel works
in the Ruhr Valley city of Duisburg. Another 10,000 steelworkers
demonstrated at the Krupp works in nearby Bochum.
     The German monopoly capitalist association Gesamtmetall called
the walkouts illegal and threatened to take action against the
unions and workers. The same line is echoed in Canada where every
protest and political action that is not sanctioned by the
bourgeoisie is turned into a "law and order" issue. All over the
world anti-social attacks on the people are considered "legal" as
they are sanctioned by a political system controlled by the
capitalists. Opposition is declared "illegal" and the entire state
machine is brought down on the people who are struggling for their

Shawgi Tell
University at Buffalo
Graduate School of Education

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