Dear Fellow Pen-ler's,

        Perhaps my comments were "off the wall" in particular as they 
talked about actions that people took who are nominally in "our" camp - 
note that we talk about other folks (i had just finished reading a lot of 
stuff on Paul Krugman) and their behaviour in the classroom and elsewhere 
and it doesn't become "scurrlious" and viscious "ad-hominem" attacks, 
"low, low" , etc.  

        Those who have argued that we should probably stay away from 
negative personal anecdotes about leftists as they cause too much bad 
blood between us have a point.  These for the most part should be 
left to personal communications between us and not put on the general list.
        In this case, however, I was relating a rather "public" incident, 
it went before the graduate student council, which got me "reinstated", 
(this should be additional support for my claim that i was not being 
disruptive to the class - i was merely disagreeing - in fact as i was 
being kicked out, or in one of the later classes,  the teacher in 
question stated explicitly "i want absolute hedgemony over this class") and was well 
known to everyone that year (15 years ago!).

I was responding to an assertion about teachers (not exclusively their 
ideas) or a query about programs which i assumed included a desire to 
know something about teaching and i had also just finished looking at a 
lot of stuff about "academic despots" and teaching etc. in connection 
with Paul Krugman - as noted above.
I did add in my derogatory personal opinion of their ideas at the time - 
but that is not "ad-hominem" or "scurrlious" - I hope! I was careful to 
qualify my opinion (as has been noted) by saying that I have not kept up 
with their ideas, implying (as has been noted) that these ideas may have 
changed and that (i agree) the person in question may regard thsi whole 
incident as an unfortunate mishap which he regrets (i hope!).

  I agree that none of us are perfect - though this strayed far beyond 
the bounds of "acceptable" imperfection in teaching to the point where some on this 
list seem to have a hard time believing it (i guess i would too).

        The source of my "off the wall" comment was a sense I guess of 
obligation (and undoubtably - i won't deny it - though this really wasn't 
primary in my thinking at the time - pointing to a connection between 
ideas and behavior which i think is quite important in this case 
especially - and i would guess still is relevant 15 years later - after 
all we marxists should be particularly sensitive to this i would think) 
about a class which I was required to take in spite of my efforts to 
avoid it,  which class turned into a hellish experience which i believe 
i have a "public service" responsibility to warn perspective students 

        This is not to deny that other people have had very different 
experiences.  Nobody has to accept my views.  The experience however is a 

        I'm sorry this came up at the same time as the Pomo discussion 
which probably contributed to its intermingling with this other thread 
and greater notoriety than it deserves or is useful to spend on it.

        Regards to all,

        Ron Baiman

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