The Brecht Forum presents

Speaking Truth to Power

a book party and discussion with Manning Marable

Thursday, November 14 at 7:30 pm

We will celebrate the publication of Manning Marable's new
book, _Speaking Truth to Power_. Drawing from his own
theoretical evolution in the left, Marable will discuss the
problems as well as the possibilities inherent in American
socialism and the prospects for radical democratic politics.

Manning Marable is Professor of History at Columbia
University, and is the National Co-chair of the Committees
of Correspondence.

Admission is $6.

The Brecht Forum, and its projects, The New York Marxist
School and The Institute for Popular Education, is
located at

122 West 27 Street, 10 floor
New York, New York 10001

Phone: (212) 242-4201
Fax: (212) 741-4563


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