Two economists (one a Chicago School devotee of Uncle Miltie and one 
A Rational Expectationist) were walking down the road and came across 
a pile of shit. The Chicago School devotee of Miltie offered the 
Rational Expectationist $20,000 to eat the shit. After a quick 
optimization calculation, the Rational Expectationist ate it. Later, 
down the road they came across another pile of excrement and the 
Rational Expectationist in turn offered the Friedmanite $20,000 to 
eat it and after a quick optimization calculation he ate it. 
   As they were walking down the road the rational expectationist 
said to the Friedmanite: "You know, we just screwed up; we are 
actually worse off because we each have $20,000 with no net change 
from our original cash position plus we have both eaten shit. The 
Friedmanite looked mockingly at the Rational Expectationist and said: 
"it is obvious that you never studied economics at a school of the 
stature of Chicago. You have completely ignored the fact that we have 
just generated $40,000 worth of trade."

                                    Jim Craven

*  James Craven             * "The envelope is only defined--and   * 
*  Dept of Economics        * expanded--by the test pilot who dares* 
*  Clark College            * to push it."                         *
*  1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. * (H.H. Craven Jr.(a gifted pilot)     *  
*  Vancouver, Wa. 98663     *                                      *  
*  (360) 992-2283           * "For those who have fought for it,   *
*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]     * freedom has a taste the protected    *
*                           * will never know." (Otto Von Bismark) *   
*                           *                                      *

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