"The mantra of global competition is a large-scale
intellectual scam that has diverted government from
tackling problems in their own back yards.
   "By focusing on the international competitiveness
myth, one gets misplaced priorities.  It distorts your
view of the world and prevents you from coming to grips
with the real problems -- social injustice,
unemployment, and wage disparities.
   "These tough issues have been neglected as
governments embraced global competition as a social and
economic panacea.  But, like the parable of the
emperor, this economic theory has no clothes.  Instead
of helping domestic economies, global competition has
been used as a cover for harsh labour market policies,
such as company downsizing."
   -- Paul Krugman, Professor of Economics, Stanford
      University, quoted in the September issue of the
      CCPA Monitor

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