Just a quick response to Barkley and Sid.  According to local news
reports, the workers did not support some union leaders' calls to
join the demonstrations, which doesn't surprise me very much.  In
the interviews with the workers, they were more concerned with work
and wages (and a fear of losing their jobs) than they were with
the political basis of the demonstrations.

As to the dominant faction in the demonstrations, in all the
pictures in the newspapers here, the dominate face on the
signs the protesters are carrying is that of Vuk Draskovic, the
Serbian ultranationalist leader.  Some other were Serbian Orthodox
Church posters.

I did not mean to imply that the US was directly involved in the
organization of the original demonstrations, though since they
have occurred the US has obviously been backing the opposition with
threats to the Milosevic government of economic sanctions etc.
(Interestingly, when similar numbers of Canadian workers carried off
demonstrations in Toronto and Hamilton protesting neo-liberal
economic oppression on the poor and the public in Canada, the US
pretended it didn't even notice.  Shades of Milosevic).  What I
meant is that the US has been carrying on a campaign of destabilization
agains Yugoslavia, past and present, for 6 or 7 years and will not
giveup until it has a captive, rightwing government in place.
Milosevic, whatever his faults, is not a US puppet.

Paul Phillips,
University of Manitoba

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