PA 26 Dec 96 4:56 GMT S7257
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By Philip Thornton, Business Editor, PA News
   There is no evidence to show the stock market performs better 
in the longer term under a Conservative Government compared with 
a Labour administration, according to new research. 
   A study of the London stock market since the end of World 
War II by Leeds University business school found shares had 
performed fairly consistently whatever the political shade of 
the party in Government. 
   Professor Kevin Keasey, director of the Centre for Financial 
Services, said an initial surge following the election of a 
Tory Government was not followed by its longer term performance. 
   "This sheds new light on the conventional wisdom that Labour 
are not to be trusted to run the economy to the benefit of 
businesses and shareholders," he said. 
   "Conservative governments are, however, associated with 
significantly lower levels of average inflation and higher 
average levels of real interest rates." 
   He said this reputation for tight fiscal management helped 
explain the immediate response after an election victory. 
   "But there is no statistically significant evidence to 
suggest the stock market has performed better in nominal or 
real terms under a Tory Government." 
   Professor Keasey showed short-term share price movements 
responded to opinion poll findings in the run-up to General 
Elections and showed a clear preference for a Conservative win. 
   He also found there was no evidence to show different 
Governments had been able to manipulate the economy or the 
market for electioneering purposes. 

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