Perception in this area is fairly important. There have been lately a 
number of stories in the papers about how fearful people are as a result 
of their own or others' experiences with downsizing and/or being made 
contingent. Some say they are happy to have been cut free of an employer 
and to be their own persons. Others have become craven in their fears.

The result is a growing sense that employment in the US is "Rent to Own". 
The thirteenth amendment may have outlawed slavery, but lots of folks now 
are willing to do anything to make certain that the rental of their time, 
minds, efforts, and bodies can come as close to ownership by their employers
as is possible.


Ellen J. Dannin
California Western School of Law
225 Cedar Street
San Diego, CA  92101
Phone:  619-525-1449
Fax:    619-696-9999

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