>We also have pretty basic political differences.
>The most relevant difference in this context
>is that I view Stalinism as no better in its
>works than fascism, and for all his innocent,
>good intentions, Tell's posts are a paean to

And the NYT and WSJ are paeans to capitalism (which I hate every bit as
much as or perhaps *more* than "Stalinism," especially since I have to live
in it). Shawgi's posts are certainly no more offensive (to my mind) than
anything the WSJ or NYT have to say. When I get past the rhetoric, I find I
agree with much of what Shawgi says, at least in outline, *about
capitalism*, though not necessarily with analytical details or proposed
solutions. By the way, please don't accuse me of defending Stalinism; that
would be both wrong and stupid.

Max, I agree that we have pretty basic political differences, but I don't
think the most relevant differences between us are our views of Stalinism.
Actually, I suspect we mostly agree on this point. I believe it's in our
views of *capitalism* that we most strenuously disagree. (I could be wrong
here; I'm just going by your posts on PEN-L since I've been reading them.)



Blair Sandler

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