
        I would suggest Germai at the National Office (617) 776-5888.
As far as I know we don't have a standard policy on this yet - except to 
share the list with other Left media for publicity purposes.  As this 
seems a worthy cause (I for one would love to get a copy of this film for 
my classes) I'm sure we can work something out.  I'm hoping Germai and 
your friend have some idea of what would be good - and then we at the 
Steering Committee I think can give Germai authority to do this - 
possibly for some token fee or nothing though I'd have to consult with 
other SC members!

In Solidarity,

Ron Baiman
Mid-west Rep to URPE SC
Roosevelt Univ.
Dept. of Economics
430 S. Michigan Ave.
Chicago, IL 60605

On Mon, 27 Jan 1997, Eugene P. Coyle wrote:

> Who should I contact re renting the URPE mailing list?  A friend, who's,
> film, "Taken For A Ride," about the GM, Firestone, et. al. conspiracy to
> replace transit with automobiles, aired on PBS last August is interested in
> distributing it to progressive adacemics.
>         She wants to mail to URPE members as well as progressives in
> Geography and Planning departments, etc.  Suggestions welcome.  Please
> advise me directly on how she can contact the correct person at URPE.
>         Thanks.  Gene Coyle

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