Do our Canadian comrades or others have leads on data, - even anedotal data -
on cross-border mergers or acquisitions or expansions of health care firms 
between the US and Canada over say the last 10 or 5 years? This is for
a quick study Dave Ranney and I are doing where we are trying to make
some links between downsizing/restructuring in health care and "free
trade"/globalization; in the context of downsizing/restructuring at
the University hospital here.

i p-l s

Robert Naiman
1821 W. Cullerton 
Chicago Il 60608-2716
(h) 312-421-1776 (here there is voice mail)

Urban Planning and Policy (M/C 348)
1007 W. Harrison Room 1180
Chicago, Il 60607-7137
(o) 312-996-2126 (here there is voice mail also)

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