At 10:42 AM 2/13/97 -0800, Maggie wrote:
>Actually, there is a rather large grouping of literature in main stream
>industrial organization which deals with different aspects of advertising.
> The following cites are from photo copies articles and don't always have
>dates and journal, but they give author and title (all are, however, at least
>20 years old).

I think my question wasn't clear enough.  Certainly there's been a lot
written about advertising, esp. in the industrial org literature.  My
recollection of that lit (and it's been a while since I read it) is that it
was compartmentalized from the rest of economics; most economic theory
treats individual needs as external, outside the system, not something that
is somewhat malleable through persuasion/manipulation.  What I was
wondering was, has anyone recently written something in economics where
they their theory of how the market operates incorporates what we know
about advertising?

Anders Schneiderman
Progressive Communications

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