On what percent of what I pay to the Feds goes to military and debt
service. I was wrong, but it does depend on what you count -- particularly
social security taxes. I was thinking about my federal income tax excluding
my social security tax, since that is how we fill out our 1040s. In the
back of my copy of this years 1040 there are two pie charts for the 1995
tax year. Net interest on the debt is 15% and defense is 21% of Federal
government outlays. But in that pie social security, medicarte and other
retirement are 36% -- and my FICA and Medicare more than pays for that.
So if we exclude the 36% social security/medicare payments that leaves:
2% on law enforcement; 18% on social programs; 8% on physical, uman and
community development; 15% net interest on the debt; and 21% on national
defense. That makes 15% + 21% = 36% of 64% which is over half. My point
is that almost 100% of that half I would like not to have my Federal
income taxes being spent on.

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