Rod Hay wrote:
> I would ask those who are interested in the question of racism to look at
> the following article. I would appreciate comments.

Rod, The Next City is an extreme right wing publication. I used to get
it free when I subscribed the the Globe&Mail. The author of the article
cites Sowell, George Gilder and many other reactionaries while
mentioning only one progressive source: Bowles&Gintis. His thesis is
the  tired old one that blames failure in the formal education system on
poor 'culture', lack of family cohesion, poor family structure, single
parents and a general 'culture of underachievement' and 'lack of
motivation'. This is the same argument used by diffusionists and
imperialists in explaining why the southern hemisphere is impoverished.
Its a blaming-the-victim argument. If only those dumb colored people
were smart like us white people and valued education and had
'achievement motivation' and 'entrepeneurial values'. Why is there a
lack of family cohesion and so many single parents? If groups who
'underachieve' in school were raised in the same socioeconomic
environment as 'overachievers' what would be the result?
  Further, the author gives a crude caricature of Marxist explanations
saying they are purely structural leaving out agency. The author gives
no evidence that he is familiar with the finest Marxist work on race
e.g. David Roediger, Theodore Allen and many others. He uses an equally
crude meth. individualism to refute his Marxist strawman.
  I will just say that given the crap that is taught in public schools
no wonder students drop out and don't do their homework. I dropped out
of highschool twice.

Sam Pawlett

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