WSWS : News & Analysis : Europe : The Balkans

                    Pharmaceutical companies dump
                    useless drugs in Albania

                    By Debra Watson
                    3 July 1999

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                    The World Health Organization (WHO) has charged
                    that Western pharmaceutical companies are dumping
                    tons of unusable surplus and expired drugs into
                    Albania for the Kosovo relief effort, simply to reap
                    generous tax breaks from their governments and to
                    avoid paying substantial costs of disposing of

                    A WHO audit of humanitarian drug donations received
                    in Albania during May 1999 was conducted in
                    collaboration with Pharmaciens sans Frontières (PSF).
                    Indro Mattei, a member of the Swiss Disaster Relief
                    working with the WHO Humanitarian Assistance Project
                    Office in Tirana was one of the two pharmacists
                    conducting the audit. "We estimate that 50% of the
                    drugs coming into Albania donated by non-medical
                    organizations are inappropriate or useless and will
                    to be destroyed. We are very concerned that some
                    pharmaceutical companies are using this humanitarian
                    crisis to get rid of unwanted stockpiles."

                    In April 1999, the Albanian health authorities relaxed
                    import controls to speed up the entry of urgently
                    drugs and medical supplies to meet the needs of the
                    460,000 Kosovar refugees and the continuing needs of
                    the rest of the Albanian population. Even before the
                    refugee crisis, the Albanian health care system
                    depended heavily on drug donations, being able to cover
                    only 20 percent of the drug and medical supply needs of
                    its hospitals.

                    In December 1997, an article in The New England
                    Journal of Medicine (NEJM) chronicled similar bogus
                    drug-donations in Bosnia and Herzegovina from 1992 to
                    1996. Using a grant from Medecins sans
                    Frontières-Belgium, Philippe Autier, M.D. from Milan
                    and Patrick Berckmans, M.D. and Gerard Schmets,
                    Ph.D. of Brussels investigated rumors about massive
                    quantities of irrelevant drugs that arrived in Mostar,
                    Tuzla, Gorazde, Sarajevo, and Bihac, cities that were
                    key targets for humanitarian assistance.

                    The authors estimated that 50 to 60 percent of the
                    27,800 to 34,800 metric tons of drugs and medical
                    materials that entered Bosnia and Herzegovina between
                    1992 and mid-1996 were inappropriate. Although
                    miscellaneous donations of small amounts of drugs
                    accounted for 60 percent of all inappropriate
                    they also documented dumping of large quantities,
                    which accounted for 35 percent of such inappropriate
                    donations. They used the example of France to
                    the large amount of medical waste that needs disposal
                    every year in the industrial countries. In that
                    they wrote, the 22,500 metric tons of unused medicines
                    each year equal 40 percent of the annual drugs sold.

                    "Our investigations nonetheless underscore that
                    inappropriate medical donations to Bosnia and
                    Herzegovina were common, as they were to Armenia
                    and Mexico after their earthquakes, or to Africa during
                    its food crisis, and to the former Soviet Union.
                    Individuals and organizations have many reasons for
                    sending medical supplies to a disaster area. Charitable
                    gifts may lead to tax deductions and represent a
                    convenient way to dispose of waste medical supplies
                    without having to pay for their destruction. Publicity
                    about humanitarian aid usually promotes the image of
                    the people or organizations involved." Added to the
                    of destroying the unusable drugs are health and
                    environmental hazards, as well as the costs of storing,
                    handling, sorting, and managing the useless and
                    unusable medicines.

                    Apparently the June 1999 WHO alert was issued after
                    repeated attempts to discourage inappropriate
                    donations. In a letter replying to the Bosnia study,
                    published in the May 14, 1998 NEJM, a WHO
                    representative in Europe revealed that by 1996 there
                    were about 800 tons of unused drugs in Bosnia and
                    Herzegovina. The representative wrote that WHO
                    planned to open a new sanitary landfill in Mostar to
                    deal with the problem. He reasserted that WHO has
                    repeatedly addressed the problem of inappropriate drug
                    donations and the coordination and control of

                    The authors of the Bosnia study replied that
                    there and in Armenia showed that the development of
                    guidelines insufficient. They also reiterated the
                    importance of expiration dates in response to a letter
                    writer who defended donations of expired drugs. "That
                    an open invitation to send drugs nearing their
                    expiration date to any area in the world where
                    humanitarian assistance seems necessary," they said.
                    "Why should a potential criminal act in one country be
                    seen as virtuous when other populations are

                    The authors of the Bosnia study pointed out that a
                    substantial amount of inappropriate drugs did not fit
                    into the usual category of expired, inadequately
                    or packaged in such a way that they were rendered
                    useless. Some Bosnian medical supplies provided as
                    "humanitarian aid" consisted mainly of prepackaged
                    medical kits designed for refugee situations in
                    developing countries and largely useless in Europe.
                    "Some medicines were provided in excess, whereas there
                    were shortages of others—in particular, medicines for
                    chronic diseases common in industrialized countries
                    (e.g., insulin for diabetes mellitus and drugs for the
                    cardiovascular system)."

                    Another doctor from Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
                    related the following story to the NEJM:
                    the 'altruism' of Western medical-supply donors has a
                    Bosnian counterpart. Expatriate and local
                    entrepreneurs sell medical supplies on the black market
                    for substantial tax-exempt profits. My most troubling
                    memory is of a middle-aged man whose elderly mother
                    we treated for a stroke in Zenica Hospital. This poor
                    man traded 50 kg of flour for five bottles of mannitol,
                    which his physicians, who supplied the mannitol,
                    assured him would cure his mother. Although 50 kg of
                    flour has little street value in America, it was worth
                    some 1,250 German marks, well over two years' salary
                    for a senior physician. More important, 50 kg of flour
                    can feed a family of four for one month. I will never
                    forget the look of despair on the man's face when we
                    him that the mannitol was useless."

                    These experiences are now being repeated among the
                    Kosovar Albanians, both those in refugee camps in
                    Albania and Macedonia and those who are returning to
                    their homes in war-ravaged Kosovo. The rapacity of the
                    drug companies shows the real attitude of American
                    and international capitalism towards the Kosovars,
                    despite the humanitarian pretenses of Clinton, Blair
                    and other NATO leaders.

                    See Also:
                    After the Slaughter:
                    Political Lessons of the Balkan War
                    [14 June 1999]

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