Our dept of social welfare (DSW) is currently funding a conference called
"Beyond Dependency" at which many reportedly notable and expert persons
will present their views on how to get people off welfare.
Some cynical individuals have suggested that this is merely another of
those events where the new right agenda is applauded loudly by the new
right who then claim that a concensus has been reached blah blah. These
cynics point to the presence of various supporters of the wisconsin model
as evidence of the dark hand of the Business Round Table (BRT).For those
interested in antipodean matters this is currently being touted as a model
for reform of the NZ welfare system by the BRT and their helpers in the DSW.
Heavily disguised as a very large and somewhat rotund avacardo and shrimp
cocktail one of my spies attended a BRT dinner at which a  Sister
Connie Driscoll, manager of the St Martin de Porres House of Hope in
Chicago spoke. She also apparently has an attachment to the Acton
Foundation from Grand Rapids, Michagan.
Could any of you kindly disposed americans shed light on who this person is
and what the nature of her organization and the acton foundation is also.

Bill Cochrane
Centre for Labour and Trade Union Studies
University of Waikato
New Zealand

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