Tom Walker wrote
>Perhaps Bill Cochrane was just being sarcastic.
I was not. I meant every word of what I wrote, literally.
We antipodeans are a simple rural folk devoid of the guile required for
irony or sarcasm. I leave such sophistications to inhabitants of the
metropolitan areas of North America.(Reliable sources have informed me that
the truth and importance of an utterance is inversely proportional to the
distance of the utterer from New York city).
I agree though that "line up politics" is not a sound basis for deciding
the relative merits of a proposition.My comments regarding Ms Waring were
not so much directed at her opinions of the SNA framework or the valuation
of womens contribution to the nations economic well being but rather to
dispell the spurious notion that she was in someway left wing or
Many accounts of Ms Warings activities, frequently autobiographical in
nature, portray her as a fiesty heroine battling various assorted evils.
This IMHO is complete bollocks as my other posts have made clear. Waring
and persons like her are the 'liberal' face of a ensemble of policy
positions that have, and continue to, fuck over the people that my
political agenda would seek to empower and defend. She and others of her
ilk are thus my political enemies and I seek to expose them for what they
are at every opportunity.
As to how I arrived at my assessment of Ms Waring I would say that  I've
heard her speak, observed her career, had friends that were colleagues and
students of hers, watched her acrimonious departure from her position in
the politics department of Waikato University and had occasion to be
present at various social events and the odd school visit at which she made
her views clear.
While it is undoubtably true that unions and other traditional left wing
organisations have been less than progressive from time to time most of the
reforms such as  equal pay, anti-discrimination laws, childcare provison,
parental leave, universal francise were fought for and won by these class
based organisations and not by the now fashionable New Social Movements.

Bill Cochrane
New Zealand

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