> Date sent:      Mon, 24 Mar 1997 10:14:27 -0800 (PST)
> Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> From:           Gerald Levy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject:        [PEN-L:9094] Re: The "Sozialismus" and "Social Text" Af

> James Michael Craven wrote:
> > I would not characterize this so-called "scandal" of having a 
> > "biased" commentor commenting on this conference as a "scandal of 
> > international proportions." In the global scheme of things, this 
> > journal, this conference and even this "biased" commentator on this 
> > conference are not even a carbuncle on the ass of the global scheme of 
> > things IMHO.
> In the "global scheme of things" the "Social Text affair" was also "not
> even a carbuncle on the ass ..." yet, as I recall, it was discussed quite
> openly on PEN-L.
> In the "global scheme of things" you might not view  a conference of
> thousands of Marxists in the US as important. I -- and I suspect many
> others -- would disagree. I also believe that Left journals are important
> even where they are not a super-carbuncle in the "global scheme of
> things."
> But, if you think we should only discuss issues which have great
> importance for the "global scheme of things", then we should eliminate
> from discussion many other topics as well.
> Jerry 
Response: I was merely reacting to the notion that it is a scandal of 
"international" proportions that an openly biased commentator was 
reporting on an event or on individuals and their positions about 
which that person is known to have demonstrated animus; it is hardly 
a scandal and hardly of international proportions--it is simply 
business as usual.

On the "Social Text" affair, I agree it was as marginal as the 
journal itself--just like this conference, my own opinions, the 
opinions of Mr. Proyect etc. There should be no censorship of any 
topic having to do with political economy, progressive paradigms etc. 
I just thought that nothing we say through this medium could be 
considered or do as commentators etc should be considered of 
"international proportions". Why get so serious about some sectarian 
squabbles or somebody's vitriol? That was my only point.

                                Jim Craven

*  James Craven             * " For those who have fought for it,  * 
*  Dept of Economics        *  freedom has a taste the protected   *  
*  Clark College            *  will never know."                   *  
*  1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. *            Otto von Bismark          *  
*  Vancouver, Wa. 98663     *                                      *
*  (360) 992-2283           *                                      *
*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]        *                                      *

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