I am co-teaching a 32 credit program at the Evergreen State College for
sophomores and up in the fall and winter and am trying to get my book list
together.  The program is in political economy, defined broadly--much more
than radical economics. Anyway, I am looking for a really good book
(books) on the following.  Ideally, they are readable, passionate, and
have some good left analysis
        Please send me privately or on the list any suggestions for BOOKS on 
one or more of the following topics.
If people are interested I will compile and list them.  (note: I am quite
familiar with the literature and the debate on Pen-L)

        1. Global capitalism today--should have some material on
neo-liberalism, the IMF-World Bank, global restructuring, impact on South
and North, etc., also challenges to neo-liberalism. What do you think of
the new book by Wm. Greider, "One World, Ready or Not". 
        Suggested books--

        2. Book on the causes of the growing income inequality today in
the U.S., hopefully that deals with the racial and gender dimension of it,
a readable and substantive analysis of late 20th century U.S. capitalism

       3. Anything else you really recommend for a full-time political 
economy class --on racism, gender, the labor and other social movements, 
alternatives and resistance in the U.S. and other countries--the best 
book you have read in the last three years that was readable.
        SUggested book--

Thanks for your help, Pete Bohmer

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