(posted to Marxmail by Mike Pearn)

Ed George, Marc Jones and myself exchanged views on this list as to how socialists should relate to the national question in Wales both in the present and as an historical question. Contributions on this list have been polite, all too rare on some lists, and perhaps even served to clarify our respective positions a little. Therefore I hope comrades who hail from nations other than Wales will bear with this latest installment.

Ed George has argued, following GA Williams, that the nation of Wales only came into being with the rise to global hegemony of British Imperialism in the nineteenth century. By way of contrast and it is a stark contrast Mark Jones argues that Wales is an ancient nation having its roots in the Romano-British Principalities which cohered in the six to eighth centuries C.E. Both take too simplistic a view with one placing the emphasis on continuity and the other on the breaks within the historical record. As is often the way with these things both are wrong and both right.

To argue that a Wales existed prior to the nineteenth century is not to concede legitimacy to Welsh nationalism as Ed fears but is to recognise the facts of the continuity of community in this country. As GA Williams argued there have been many different Wales in history but it was only with the triumph of Britain that a nation in the Marxist sense came into being here. The creation of this nation being within the British polity and as a part of it. Prior to this development the position of Engels that such communities as the Welsh were the detritus of history unable to construct stable states and therefore lacking any meaningful history stands as an accurate description.

There is nothing condemnatory in such a description of Wales as a history-less nation contrary to Mark’s defence of the medieval princes and their society. For the facts are that Wales was a backward economically retarded area within Britain during the era of the princes. Pummelled by the Irish, by Vikings and confined to a large degree to impoverished hill territories it is remarkable that any literate culture survived. Such survival of culture was confined to the Church in the Heroic age and even after did not enjoy any significant revival due to the backward nature of the economy. Backward that is in comparison to the larger more prosperous economy in England.

One notes that by the time of the Norman conquest England had become a prosperous unified state, which is why it was such a target for Norse Kings and Norman barons alike, while Wales remained a divided and impoverished land. In England slavery was fading away; but in Wales remained a major economic factor. Land holdings and the area under cultivation were increasing in size in England; but in Wales land was divided time and time again with ever generation, and this in an already retarded economy. Certainly this meant that for the peasant majority such freedoms as some had enjoyed in an earlier period were lost as more were reduced to serfdom with the rise of the feudal mode of production but in Wales the freedoms that remained for the gentle born were nominal when the parcelisation of land reduced them to penury.

Considered dispassionately the enterprise of most of the Princes in Wales can be seen to be no more laudable than that of their peers elsewhere in Europe. These were brutal men in a brutal age despite which some do stand above the brutish scramble for power. For example one might cite Hywel Dda, and what a title to bear, Hywel the Good - history is kind to some - who codified Welsh law. But the law could only be codified as he had defeated so many of his rivals and was temporarily top of the heap commanding a great enough proportion of the surplus value accrued from exploitation and the spoils of war to be able engage in such a state building project. Significantly with his death his Princedom was divided and fell back into the internecine wars that marked the age. Following which Gwynedd in North Wales achieved a place at the heart of any state building project as its princes sought to build their domain into a state free of the English King. For modern day nationalists this struggle has been portrayed as a fight for a national state.

In reality the struggle of the Princes of Gwynedd could not be national in character as there was at this time no sense of nationhood as a political and cultural entity to which all in a given polity belonged. Whether or not Pura Wallia, that part of Wales ruled by the petty princes, could even be truly described as feudal is a moot point before the final demise of Gwynedd in 1285 and is very dubious before the first Norman incursions which came after 1067. Rather we see a society dominated by kinship networks and the common ownership of land. Slavery too remained an important institution far more so than in the English Kingdoms to the east where the institution had fallen into almost total decay by 1066. Given the perennial warfare tribute too had an economic function not found in more settled societies other than those which Marx described as belonging to the Eastern mode of production. Wales in the heroic age and even after was an enormously backward society economically and culturally. It’s conquest and assimilation by English feudalism was a massive step forward for the mass of the population.

Tied to the English Crown Wales suffered the fate of many a conquered land and it’s language was discriminated against, it’s laws abolished except in the most backward of rural fastnesses and it’s nobility used as hirelings for an alien King. In short Welsh society improved for every class but the Princes who passed into legend. Compared to the endless wars of the past seven hundred years the late Middle Ages were a time of prosperity for Wales and as such the gentry experienced a growing prosperity. This in turn led to a revival of culture and Cymraeg again dominated areas, such as the Vale of Glamorgan, from which it had been pushed by war. And yet it was and remained a backward region comparted to England and this ensured that the gentry, the descendants of Princes who traced their ancestry back to Troy, were willing to turn to arms to improve their lot. The result was the rising of Owain Glyndwr the last native Prince of Wales.

The rising originated as Ed George has pointed out as a local dispute between factions of the gentry. Yet within a short time it had escalated into an insurrection that encompassed almost every part of Wales. Glyndwyr was even for a very brief time, little more than one season passed before he was again driven to the hills, able to send envoys to the King of France and summon a Parlement to Machynlleth. Following this brief episode the full weight of the English state was brought to bear and Glyndwyrs defeat was ensured and he passed into myth. The question that Ed cannot answer given his position that a nation only came into being in Wales with the triumph of British imperialism in the nineteenth century is why this local dispute assumed national dimensions. The answer lies in the consciousness of the Welsh gentry that they were a people, a national community, separate and different from the English state. Given that they had prospered as a class from the peaceful conditions that prevailed after the defeat of the last Prince of Gwynedd, except in so far as they participated in the wars of the English king in France, this consciousness of constituting a distinct community might never have produced political consequences were it not for the land dispute which began Glyndwrs rising. Yet the unexpected success of Glyndwrs rising did bring aspirations to form their own state to the surface among a large part of the Welsh gentry particularly in Gwynedd and the west. To acknowledge that Glyndwrs rising did reach its apogee in the attempt to form a feudal state in Wales is to surrender nothing to the nationalist case, it is simply an acknowledgement that this Wales, that of Glyndwr, was one of the many Wales that might have been.

There is much to be learnt from Glyndwrs rising not least the power that ideology has, particularly in a largely illiterate society, for part of the reason for the man’s momentary success was due to his use, consciously or otherwise, of the orally transmitted mythologies of this Wales. It might even be the case that Glyndwyr became the tool of these mythologies rather than their master. Their grip on the minds of the gentry and the peasants legitimised his rebellion against the English king when no other means existed to do so. The bards, that is the transmitters of this oral tradition, acted as the guardians of this communal consciousness and in so far as they preserved a national consciousness preserved it in Cymraeg and in Cymraeg alone.

It is an irony of history that having been repeatedly defeated in war the Welsh gentry class finally ascended the throne of their enemies. For having gambled on Glyndwyr and lost the gentry turned back to support of the English monarchy. Typical of all exploiting classes they were quick to reconcile themselves with an alien power when assured that they were secure in their social position. And like all such classes they were gifted with more than one adventurer although only one was needed to sire the first of the Tudors who gleefully proceeded to annex Welsh legend as the personal possession of their dynasty. The result was the end of all punitive laws which discriminated against the Welsh and eventually the incorporation of Wales within the new British state with the Acts of Union in 1536-43. The gentry class gained thereby entry to and incorporation within a new British Empire. As an economically backward and impoverished region Wales substantially passed from the stage of history.

From the Acts of Union to the birth of Imperial Wales no class in Wales was able to play any independent role either socially or politically. A rural society shorn of its own indigenous leaders Welsh society decayed culturally to become no more than a region distinguished by little more than its own peculiar language. And it was this language that marked out the Welsh as being different that was now relegated to having the status of pariah and was then if not persecuted at least treated at best with benign neglect and outlawed from any official status. The backwardness of Wales and its marginal situation being best illustrated in these years of eclipse by the seeming indifference of almost all of society to the English Revolution. Where the gentry did participate in this momentous struggle it was on the side of the Stuarts. While in England the growing bourgeoisie played a revolutionary role in Wales this class could scarce be found in the tiny towns of the day.

This situation of profound backwardness only began to change with the first wave of industrial capitalism which still left Wales lagging behind much of Britain. Yet this first wave of development does repay study because it begins to illustrate a pattern followed by far larger groups of workers at a later stage. Its geographical location is interesting too as for perhaps the only time in the history of Wales the empty lands of mid-Wales took the leading role. That role was a producer of wool for the booming markets in England illustrating the intimate relations between production in Wales and England. Much of this area also became Anglicised at this time too as a modern workers movement began to appear in the small towns. Socialism too also appears for the first time and the name of Robert Owen of Newtown should be well known to all.

As this early wave of industrialisation developed apace Wales became urbanised and the newly cohering industrial proletariat began to develop class consciousness. The struggles that ensued are well known and Ed George has referred to some in his post. But it is well to note that South Wales was amongst the most violent of areas in Britain during the early stages of industrialisation. In fact many of those sucked into the mammon’s slathering maw from the more rural fastnesses of the west had themselves experienced or knew of the riotous Hosts of Rebecca. The newly industrialising society of this new South Wales was then explosive and violent to its core. The grip of what G A Williams has described as Jacobin views in this dynamic and mobile but undemocratic society led to the Merthyr Rising of 1931 where the Red Flag was raised for the first time in Britain. For more details comrades are referred to Williams excellent book on the Rising where he demonstrates that this local insurrection was born of an intensely democratic society and even at this early stage exhibited tendencies towards the development of independent working class leadership and demands.

The subsequent history of class struggles in industrial South Wales is the history of the class struggle everywhere with a terrifying variety of tactics and strategies being tried and failing during the first half of the nineteenth century. Chartism and the Newport Rising stand as the most stark illustration of the tendency of autonomous working class politics to become both politicised and revolutionary. Contrary to Ed Georges earlier assertion however Chartism in Wales was not wholeheartedly on the Physical Force - revolutionary - wing of the movement. Nor was the Newport Rising an isolated regional miscarriage as there is some evidence that risings were planned in the North of England which were to join up with the Welsh Chartists in a state wide insurrection. In fact only such a supposition makes any sense of the attempted tactics of the leaders of the rising in Wales which are otherwise inexplicable.

With the massive expansion of coal mining in the final years of the nineteenth century Wales did enter its Imperial period full well. As has been noted in earlier posts it was in this period that a national consciousness emerged in Wales that united both English and Welsh speakers; rural and urban; north and south. It was a consciousness that was for a brief moment encapsulated in the Liberal party of David Lloyd George and would find a home within the Labourist consensus from 1945 onwards. But it would be an error to presume that this Imperial Wales was built solely on coal. Steel, tin and even slate had their places in this period as did the rail and shipping needed for transportation. While coal had a central role the weight of other industries should not be underestimated nor should the sheer magnitude of the Labourite consensus after 1945.

It is peculiar to reflect that if one considers Wales in isolation from the rest of Britain as a separate entity we might almost be looking at a Stalinist country in the nineteen-fifties. Consider that coal, steel, rail and the new National Health Service were all state capitalist trusts. That the country was in all essentials a one party state and was as drab as any provincial backwater in the USSR cannot be underestimated. Symbolic of this the Labourite establishment inspired, if mediocrity can be so described, the Welsh Museum of Folk Life just to the north of Cardiff. Set in the grounds of St Fagans Castle, an Elizabethan Mansion and site of the only major battle of the English Civil War fought in Wales (the good guys won), this was designed as a mythic Wales by the rising Welsh intelligentsia. Until recent years one could find a plethora of labourers homes and a goodly number of chapels, the picture painted was of a rural Welsh speaking nation. What was not permitted was even the merest shadow of the class struggle. Amusingly with the defeat of the miners strike of 1985 this changed and an urban area was introduced with the rebuilding of a Miners Institute and but yards away a Police Station was undergoing reconstruction on my last visit! Perhaps most ludicrously the last remaining pit decided to hold a Miners Eistedffordd on the grounds a few years ago as if to enter history in advance of one’s generation! My friends I considered photocopying some old long dead socialist papers and selling them on the day but alas as happens with paper sales it rained and I remained in bed. (Should any rich comrade visit the area feel free to contact me btw)

But even the mythic Wales of How Green Was My Valley and the related mythology of left labourism in which the miners featured as the cavalry coming to rout the Tories at the last minute has passed. As Ed George wrote an entire series of state enterprises were established throughout the country during the post war years diversifying the economic base. But this by no means tells the entire story of the continued reshaping of Wales since 1945. That much of this investment was state driven is true but there was also considerable private investment such as the Ford engine plant in Bridgend. The role of the Labourite barons who were based in Wales should also be noted as despite the apparent power of the likes of Jim Callaghan and Michael Foot neither was able to secure additional investment as a result of that power. These men served as the CEO of Great Britain PLC and Leader of Her Majestys Opposition but real power they rarely glimpsed. Despite Ed Georges assertion neither developed much of a retinue from the ranks of the Labour Party in Wales being creatures respectively of the right and left of the Labour Party machine. Kinnock the only Welshman of the three Ed mentioned was never able to translate the following he had into a developed retinue as he never so much as smelt power let alone tasted it. Except now as an unelected Eurocrat.

The alternative story of South Wales since the hey day of state capitalism in the 1950's is that of communications and diversification. The decline of coal and steel are a counter-point to this serialist symphony where each sequence of investment is succeeded by another of redundancy and destruction. As Ed outlined there was considerable state investment in South Wales during the fifties and sixties but this essentially left untouched the reliance of the region on coal and steel, merely mopping up that part of the labour force displaced from these industries. That the region did not collapse into outright depression during the seventies is attributable to private investment however although even this was state directed by judicious use of subsidies, a different form of state capitalism but none the less state capitalism.

As is so often the case with Wales this story of communications and diversification begins in London. Rather give a historical summery of how this developed it is as well to look at the geography of a road. The road is the M4 which runs from London to Swansea. All on this list will know that London, the very maw of Mammon, is the very headwater of capital investment to which all the priests and acolytes of capital must pray thrice daily. This is certainly true for Wales and the profits generated most always find their way to The City and to that holiest of holies all must repair to for needed capital investment. But to a large degree the needed capital for any project will not travel along the entire M4 but will find various more hospitable niches along the way. The first stop might well be in Reading where large numbers of high tech research and development jobs are located as is also true of Swindon further to the west. Continuing west we cross one or other of the two Severn crossings, the first opened in the sixties and considerably cutting road transport costs.

At this point the road enters Wales and the first town on importance is Newport, once a coal port still the home of Llanwern Steelworks. As we pass Newport we reach a series of electronics and microchip factories which skirt the lower edge of the M4 into north Cardiff. In general these facilities are either aging assembly plants, all too often threatened by newer cheaper facilities in the east, or plants only partially commissioned as a result of over capacity in the market. North of the east-west line formed by the road run the various valleys where the main commodities produced are surplus labour power and despair. Although parts of the coastal belt are impoverished and islands of prosperity can be found in The Valleys, especially on the eastern and southern edges, in general The Valleys are a wilderness of smack and crackheads with an aging population and few resources. Were all the communities which make up The Valleys to be considered as a single entity the results would reveal perhaps the most devastated urban area in Western Europe. If we in Britain possessed the democratic right to keep and bear firearms killings would be daily. The road then continues west past Llantrisant, where that funny money stuff grows, and Bridgend with its large Ford Engine complex. It ends at Swansea near where the second of the major steel works in Wales is to be found at Neath. Past Swansea dragons dwell.

Cardiff is very much the regional centre and this tendency is becoming more accentuated. The result is a recasting of the identities of the various communities of the region. Without their pits and chapels the communities of The Valleys are nothing but cheap dorms for workers who toil by day in factories and offices in or around Cardiff and like as not spend their recreational hours in the super clubs and multiplexes of Cardiff Bay or the similarly characterless leisure parks strung along the road. In fact as with most communities in the highly developed economies that little word community should actually read dormitory. Cardiff too has been a victim of the destruction of long standing communities although the destruction was at its peak long before most of the left were willing to recognise the process. Not only was the docklands community removed or redeveloped but much of working class Cathays was pushed out to new housing developments allowing it to become the largest concentration of student accommodation in Britain, a veritable ghetto for the under graduate population.

Like most cities Cardiff has seen the working class pushed away from the centre and out to housing estates on the cities periphery. The nineties saw this ongoing process reach a climax of sorts. Most notoriously so called Tiger Bay the multi ethnic community in Cardiff’s docklands was finally consigned to history as the surrounding Cardiff Bay area underwent massive development, although in large part this famous locality was actually gutted in the sixties with the final end of the port as a major employer in the city. The working class districts of Splott and Tremorfa were also gutted when their original focus, the East Moors Steel works closed in 1979 - the last remnant of Cardiff’s blue collar past Allied Steel and Wire closing only a few months ago (Ed may be interested that a Spanish company may reopen a reduced operation). The end result is a city with three linked central zones, stretching from the Bay to the University taking in the primary retail zone along the way. Grouped around this core are the more established residential areas and on the fringes of the city anonymous dorms for the proles. Little wealth is actually generated in Cardiff today with the cities employment stemming from service industries. None the less South Wales as a whole has large numbers of smaller industrial establishments which survive on the basis of low skills and thus low wages. But the profits made flow through Cardiff and along the road to the City.

What has developed is an economy which has specialised in those areas which feature a low skill level and require low levels of investment creating a Wales which is a reserve of low wage labour. The fantasies of Welsh nationalism cannot deal with this as their entire strategy is to argue for a Wales that can compete as an equal partner within the European Union. The problem for this strategy being that as state subsidies are banned by the EU such competition would then be on less equal terms than previously. That Plaid Cymru, the nationalist party, adopts at election times some of the demagogy of Labourism is tribute to the shallow roots of new labour in a region where neither the Conservative epoch had much impact on fundamentals outside of the Cardiff area. But the use of language is mere demagogy and when Plaid has a share of power at local level it acts as much the trained dog of Westminster as any Conservative or Blairite council could wish to. Nor have any trade union bodies so much as thought to break from the Labour to back Plaid which remains a petite bourgeois party at root. If Plaid offers no way forward for workers the same must be said of the left of that party which is minuscule in point of fact. Although organisationally separate the tiny Cymru Goch (Red Wales) grouplet represents a parody of a political group having neither a coherent doctrine or practice. The sole activity of this tiny group is to act as critics of all ‘British’ parties and the mainstream of the nationalist movement while providing the ideology of the latter with a socialist gloss. Thankfully no one is listening.

The changes in the constitution of the working class in Wales have been less dramatic than in Britain as a whole and Trades Union membership is commensurately higher. However the grip of the traditional Labourite right is also stronger here than is the case elsewhere. Unlike most regions of England and Scotland there is not so much as one notable figure in the workers movement aligned in even a loose sense with the socialist left. Attendance of union branches is also very low and although no statistics are available lower than in Britain taken as a whole. Naturally this differs from area to area and from one occupational group to another but the attitude often taken to branch meetings was summed up for me on a firefighters picket line on Thursday as “mostly its just seen as an excuse for having a drink”. This from a man with fifteen years service as a firefighter in an occupation marked by a high degree of commitment and in the last few years by a number of disputes culminating in the present dispute. While I don’t wish to pour cold water on those who see a revival in the workers movement, because it does exist although it is by no means as buoyant as might be thought from reading the socialist weeklies, this revival is partial, often sectional and markedly stronger in London being fuelled by factors specific to that city. In general class consciousness remains at a point somewhat lower than at any time since 1900 and Wales is perhaps the weakest area in Britain.

This is reflected in the political organisations that make up, along with the unions, the workers movement. In prime place is the Labour party and at the level of Wales this is fairly solidly Old Labour with Blairism only having any roots in Cardiff and even here they are more in terms of appearance than reality. The city’s Labour Party being fairly Old Labour and rotten in most respects but at the municipal level dominated by a particularly odious machine politician whose actual politics would fit any of the four major parties operating in the city with only minimal changes in demagogy. That the city’s three Labour Westminster members are more firmly Old Labour was evidenced by Blairs opposition to the personally popular Rhodri Morgan becoming boss of the new Assembly. Having won the position Morgan has of course proven himself to be a safe pair of hands for his masters and maintained a coalition administration in the Assembly with the Liberal Democrats despite having an over all majority. In general the roots of the Labour Party have continued to decay in Wales since 1979 and any visit to a Ward Labour Party will reveal a generally aging collection of individuals not particularly marked out as being in any way exceptional, a most depressing experience. Candidates for local office are the self regarding philistines that only congregate wherever there is opportunity to boost their egos of for graft. As is the case in all advanced capitalist countries politics at the local level is denuded of the activists which alone can guarantee properly functioning democratic politics, even in the most banal bourgeois sense. In many way this process of democratic decay has reached American proportions and but for the reluctance of business a conversion of the Labour Party into a single party in which various elements and factions vie for favours, as is the model with the Liberal Democrats in Japan or was the case with the Christian Democrats in Italy, is an easily achievable goal for the boss class.

Wales then today is among the more retarded regions of the emerging European polity and set to very gradually fall to the economic level of regions such as Slovenia or even Slovakia. This is a long term tendency however and I hasten to point out the concern of the British ruling class to preserve all sections of their domain at a minimum level which is above that of the most stricken regions of eastern and southern Europe. If for no other reason than that they fear that should poverty increase to the levels which afflict much of the east social clashes would threaten the stability of their rule. The example of parts of the former German Democratic Republic should act as a stark warning here and make no mistake the British state does not have even the limited ability to pick up particular regions which the German bourgeoisie has exhibited. In general then the prospects for Wales as a whole are fairly dismal with much of the country becoming permanently marginalised while an area in the south acts as an oasis of relative wealth and it should be noted that it is only relative to the valleys and the west that Cardiff seems prosperous. The reality is that much of the working class in the most fortunate city in Wales is as marginal as in any other part of the country. Without skills there is now a potentially massive reserve army of labour in existence which lacks saleable skills.

This situation does mean that the working class is potentially very volatile should a social crisis erupt and that the unions and Labour party have far less ability than has ever been the case to hold them back. On the downside there are very few bodies in which working class consciousness is embodied and sudden eruptions might as easily fade back to nothing as quickly as they burst into life. The potential for a revolutionary alternative is then not great in the short term given the lack of sectional struggles toward which propaganda can be directed and despite much bluster and empty talk the Anti Capitalist movement in Wales has in practice very few echos outside the colleges which are themselves not noted for being particularly militant.

The far left in Wales too is very weak and at best the various groups are mere shadows of their comrades in England. Despite having some dedicated and able people neither the Socialist Party or the Socialist Workers Party have even marginal influence in any part of the working class. Amusingly there has been a Socialist Alliance in Wales that is perhaps the most dismal failure of all that have sprung up in the last few years. Formed initially by Cymru Goch and the Socialist Party, after its exit from Labour, it was always a contradictory body consisting of one group which has left nationalist politics and another which was in fact simply the Welsh branches of the SP and therefore opposed to a Welsh state. It now consists of the SWP and a handful of independents and is only to be seen at election times when its performance has been nothing better than a bad joke.

To close I would like to outline my opinion as to how the revolutionary left should proceed in Wales. First of all the various groups should resist schemes which seem to promise much but deliver very little such as the left reformist electoralism of the Welsh Socialist Alliance, standing in elections before one has a base is a recipe for sectarian isolation and is not a route to the class as can be seen from Adelaide to Anglesey to Aberdeen. Attempting to compromise on live issues such as nationalism is possible in the short term but must mean that revolutionaries either drift into tailing the nationalism of the petite bourgeoisie or that an unnecessary fight is obligated at a later stage. Better to openly struggle against nationalist elements whenever possible. Most importantly would be revolutionaries need to politically orientate on the working class in a consistent fashion. Without the class all else is a lie.


For Communism

Mike Pearn


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