To URPE Members and Friends

Forwarded from the Alliance of Radical Intellectual Organizations


Another Boston is possible. Another world is possible.

On July 23-25, 2004 at the University of Massachusetts at Boston (UMB)—just before the Democratic National Convention—a coalition of Boston area, progressive, community organizations, unions and collectives will be hosting what promises to be an exciting event—the Boston Social Forum (BSF). In addition, we are planning cultural presentations and other community-based events and tours throughout the Boston area before, during and after the three-day anchor event at UMB.A regional forum within the World Social Forum process, the BSF has been called to help progressive activists answer the basic questions: What kind of future do we want for Boston? For our nation? For the world? What is our vision?Through a series of workshops, plenary sessions, and giant convocations of the entire forum, we are encouraging progressive organizations of all kinds to showcase their best analysis of the present, and their best projections for the future, across the breadth of human knowledge—politics, economics, science and technology, culture and faith—in the context of corporate globalization.The goals of the event are simple: encourage various social movements to exchange information, network with one another, form new alliances, and push our movements forward a bit more towards the next stage of our development. We'd like to do our part to help progressives seize the high ground of ideas in this society, and then, having captured people's imaginations, move forward to become a more significant political force.We invite all progressive activists to come to the BSF. Watch this website over the coming months for information on preregistration, and on how to propose workshops and plenaries. Artists and performers should also watch this site for announcements on how to plug into and shape the events.Click here for a basic outreach flyer for the event in PDF format.For more information, please send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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