I have heard the microwave oven story before, but I had not seen much
verification of it.  I have also seen reports about the Iraqis
purchasing the jamming equipment.

This story is also interesting if the high-tech weapons are more for
fragile thing we have been led to expect.  It might mean that American
dominance is not quite as solid as it might seem.


Centre for Research on GlobalisationCentre de recherche sur la

Anti-weapons: Russian Scientists Threaten to Halt Space War

-- by Vladimir Bogdanov --

Rossiyskaya Gazeta (Moscow) October 18, 2002

23 November/novembre 2002

Is it possible for one eccentric professor to neutralize the enormous
years-long labors of thousands of highly skilled scientists, engineers,
and workers to develop precision "smart weapons" at the cost of tens of
billions of dollars? "Easy," as they say in Russia.

A St. Petersburg scientist, Dr. of Technical Sciences Valentin
Vladimirovich Kashinov, has managed to do just that. With his inventions

he has virtually "shut down" western efforts to create 21st century
weapons, precision "smart" weapons which find targets based on
information from satellites, and thus are today considered nearly one
hundred percent effective. Valentin Kashinov made his "contribution" to
the defense capability of the US and NATO, practically knocking out the
latest, multi-billion dollar military space system, and at the same time

raising doubts about the advisability of Washington's development of a
national ABM defense.

Summoning Missiles to the Oven
        In the heat of massed missile strikes on Belgrade and
Yugoslavian air defense radar positions in the spring of 1999, the
telephone rang one night in a St. Petersburg apartment.
It was the chairman of the radio club of Yugoslavia, Khranislav
Milocevic. Valentin Kashinov answered. The Yugoslav described the great
destruction and casualties caused by strikes of NATO aircraft, "HARM"
air-to-ground missiles, and Tomahawk cruise missiles.
Milocevic asked for help in fending off these bombardments. Valentin
Vladimirovich immediately inquired if they had any microwave ovens. This

was followed by a puzzled silence, and then: "Of course!" Kashinov
advised that they get some ordinary microwave ovens and aim them
upwards, with doors open, around an installation they wanted to protect,

and then turn them on. Khranislav understood at once.

The fact was that an American HARM missile would home in on any strong
source of radio emission in the 400-10,000 MHz range, exactly the range
of conventional household microwave ovens. Literally the next day
following this conversation, NATO forced bombed their own embassies in

NATO pilots were fooled, and bombed microwave ovens instead of Serbian
tanks for nearly half the time of the air attacks.
According to a British officer who spent six months in the region and
offered his own assessment of bombing damage, the Serbs lured the NATO
planes using household microwave ovens to simulate the emissions of
armored transport systems.

The NATO propaganda machine initially announced that more than 100
tanks, 250 APCs, and 389 cannon had been destroyed. These damage figures

have since been revised, since independent observers found only 13 tanks

knocked out. As it turned out, the same targets were targeted (and
destroyed) repeatedly by different pilots.

A NATO officer who gave an anonymous interview to the British Herald
stated that only three tanks were found. "The Serbs use a lot of tricks
to elude NATO bombs. The use of microwave ovens from houses in Kosovo to

thumb their noses at the alliance was only one of their ruses."

The beauty of Serbian countermeasures lay in the fact that it demanded
nothing of them, since they used 100-dollar decoy devices (microwave
ovens) which were available in every household. And the guided bombs
cost around 30,000 dollars.. They also studied Iraq's experience in the
"Gulf War" (or rather, "Desert Fox," when they jammed the American GPS
satellite system).

As for the military operation "Desert Storm" against Iraq in 1991, it is

now clear that the Americans almost lost it, again thanks to the
inventions of Russian scientist Valentin Kashinov. According to
information from the Reuters agency, at the time American planes in Iraq

were able to hit less than a third of their marked targets. Most of the
bombs dropped on Iraq failed to hit their targets. Most of them "hit the

sand," as they say. According to reports from US Navy representatives,
the bombs fell at a distance of several tens of meters from the target.

Of twenty-five radars, only eight were destroyed. Nearly all the guided
AGM-154A bombs deviated sharply to the left. According to Navy
representatives, this was because of an error in the guidance software
system. But again the Americans prevaricated. The simple fact was that
the entire space guidance system didn't work.

A Mini-Jammer for Bombs and Satellites
        In the last ten years, America has tried to fight by the
contact-free method, without shedding the blood of its soldiers. The US
beat the Taliban regime in six weeks without a single casualty! In these

six weeks they achieved political and strategic goals which the USSR was

unable to achieve in 10 years of ground war in Afghanistan losing tens
of thousands of soldiers.

America is quietly cutting its ground forces. Divisions remain only on
paper. The US no longer needs an infantry. The Navy and Air Force
remain, but only as carriers of munitions to theaters of military
action. The US is building itself an ABM system, but as a secondary,
half measure. Their chief goal is to create a space infrastructure, in
the guise of an ABM system, to fight future contact-free wars.

Precision "smart" weapons now take center stage. These find their
targets from information transmitted by satellite, and thus, their
creators believe, they are nearly one hundred percent effective. "But
that is only in the minds of the creators," Valentin Kashinov believes.
"What is the actual case? Some of the Tomahawks flew off into Macedonia
and Bulgaria in the Yugoslavia campaign, and some self-destructed in the


After the famous telephone conversation, the Petersburg scientist
e-mailed a plan to Yugoslavia for a simple radio device which could
suppress the signals of the American NAVSTAR GPS satellite navigation
system. Deprived of their satellite guide, the missile was "blinded."
Result: about 10 percent of the cruise missiles failed to reach their
target. According to a BBC report, 28 missiles self-destructed in the
air in a single raid.

The American NAVSTAR GPS satellite navigation system is the NATO
standard for all types of weapons-ships, aircraft, including cruise
missiles and guided bombs, tanks, and even individual soldiers. It has
been been successfully developed for ten years now. The system is
reliable and user-friendly, and all combat arms have gotten used to it
and trust it without question. The GPS accuracy is 10 meters and its
operating zone is the entire planet.

The US has even tried to introduce the GPS as the standard for the
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), but this did not
happen for many reasons, particularly because of its extremely low
resistance to the slightest interference.

Without going into the technical details, let us say only that Russian
scientists conducted an experiment with Ashtech GPS receivers of the OEM

"Sensor" type (which can easily be purchased in Moscow). The experiment
showed that inference in the form of a carrier wave of any frequency
between 1576 and 1578 MHz with a radiated power of -55 dB blocked
reception of satellite signals by a receiver located nearby. If we do
the math, a few watts of power, about what a flashlight uses, is enough
to jam GPS signals within line of sight at a distance of up to 500 km.

Thus so-called GPS mini-jammers can have a power of a few watts. The
jamming area is line of sight, and for a Tomahawk cruise missile
traveling at a height of 25 meters is 20 kilometers.

The Storm Hits the Sand
        Today, when the Americans are intensifying preparations for a
new military operation against Iraq (which, according to some data, will

cost the US 200 billion dollars), Kashinov's mini-jammers may again be
in demand. Especially since, it turns out, Baghdad has used them very
successfully since 1991.

Valentin Kashinov relates: "Before Desert Storm began, I sent a
registered letter to Baghdad suggesting that they use such rudimentary
transmitters for electronic warfare (EW) against the American GPS
navigational system. The Iraqis immediately adopted this suggestion. An
organized team of specialists traveled through the desert setting up
transmitters. US and British planes hunted this team, and continue to do

so, for the war against Iraq has not halted even for a minute. I learned

from the mass media that more than 100 Tomahawks have self-destructed in

the air en route to Iraq. These missiles have built-in receivers and
control computers. Before flight, a program of the flight trajectory and

target coordinates are entered in the computer.

The job of the mini-jammers is to create interference on the airwaves
which prevents reception of satellite signals. The phase-modulated
signals used in the GPS are still considered the height of interference
resistance, but that is not the case. It is a serious miscalculation.
The optimal interference for jamming phase-modulated signals is simply a

detuned carrier wave. A simpler EW device could not be imagined. A
self-destruct program is included in the computer for just this case.
And this means that the Tomahawk is by no means a flawless weapon, as
the Americans have assured the entire world. Nor is the widely trumpeted

American NAVSTAR GPS satellite navigation system, which consists of 24
satellites on orbit, and compact palm-sized receiver/displays.

They show the location of an object in any coordinate system, as well as

the speed and height of displacement. But the higher-tech the weapon,
the more easily it can be suppressed. Western scientists have generally
forgotten how to think; the computer is supposed to think for them."

Stealth Armor Covers the Whole Country
        It should be noted that during the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia,
the Russian scientist sent Brussels a description of the anti-weapon
against the NAVSTAR GPS system, warning that if they did not cease their

outrages, he would publish methods for "rubbing out" other navigational
systems as well, for example TACAN, DME, LORAN, etc.

And these means enormous losses for the West. It has been calculated
that because of Kashinov's mini-jammers, which virtually put the NAVSTAR

system out of commission, the Americans lost 80 billion dollars and 20
years of work by their scientists. According to available information,
today they are trying to develop a new system, since the GPS system
cannot be improved, and this will require time and money.
So the US will hardly be able to develop an ABM system with guaranteed

You see, the arsenal of anti-weapons includes devices which create
short, or as they are called, "nanosecond" pulses of electromagnetic
radiation of enormous power, exceeding the power of a nuclear burst.
When they act on modern high-tech microcircuits (transistor diameter
less than the thickness of a human hair), in the best case these
emissions create system glitches, and in the worst case they put the
microcircuits out of commission. Naturally, the weapon controlled by the

computer which is destroyed by the pulse is also knocked out, be it a
missile, ship, or tank.

Portable space navigational system jammers produced by a Russian company

were first displayed at the Moscow International Aerospace Show in 1997,

provoking genuine shock and horror among military users of these
navigation systems.

Of course, as they say, it is impossible to shut down America, and this
is the normal course of the rivalry between armor and projectile. But
today "Russian armor" can reliably protect, for some time, any country
which desires it.

Copyright Vladimir Bogdanov  2002. For fair use only/ pour usage
équitable seulement.

The URL of this article is:


Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929
fax 530-898-5901

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