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2002-07-08 Thread Rob Schaap Abbott: a boon to the dark satanic mills By Terry Lane July 7 2002 Is it possible that Mr Tony Abbott MHR is a time traveller? Could he really

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2002-01-19 Thread Ian Murray
[NYTimes] January 20, 2002 Parched, Big Steel Goes to Its Washington Well By LESLIE WAYNE As one industry after another troops to Washington to ask for handouts, Thomas J. Usher, the chief executive of the U.S. Steel Corporation, has an offer he feels the Bush administration cannot refuse. He

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2001-01-31 Thread Lisa Ian Murray
January 31, 2001 Pirate Attacks Reach Record High By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Filed at 12:25 p.m. ET KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) -- Pirate attacks have reached an all-time high, with 72 people killed in 469 attacks last year, and the waterways of Indonesia remain the most dangerous, a maritime