April 12, 2001

Time of Indifference 

Betrayal of Trust: The Collapse of Global Public Health 
by Laurie Garrett 
754 pages, $30.00 (hardcover) 
published by Hyperion 

Dying for Growth: Global Inequality and the Health of the Poor 
edited by Jim Yong Kim, Joyce V. Millen, Alec Irwin, and John Gershman 
584 pages, $29.95 (paperback) 
published by Common Courage Press 

Poverty, Inequality, and Health 
edited by David A. Leon and Gill Walt 
358 pages, $55.00 (paperback) 
published by Oxford University Press 

Challenging Inequities in Health: From Ethics to Action 
edited by Timothy Evans, Margaret Whitehead, Finn Diderichsen, Abbas
Bhuiya, and Meg Wirth 
288 pages, $60.00 (hardcover), $37.95 (paperback) 
published by Oxford University Press 

During the cholera epidemic of 1849, Henry Mayhew, the great observer of
London life, visited the district of Bermondsey south of the Thames. He
wrote that the river water the residents drank and bathed in 

"appeared the colour of strong green tea, and positively looked as solid as
black marble in the shadow-indeed it was more like watery mud than muddy
water…. As we gazed in horror at it, we saw drains and sewers emptying
their filthy contents into it; we saw a whole tier of doorless privies in
the open road, common to men and women, built over it; we heard bucket
after bucket of filth splash into it, and the limbs of the vagrant boys
bathing in it seemed by pure force of contrast, white as Parian marble."

Mayhew visits a house where an infant has died of cholera and is told that
its inhabitants really do drink the water. He asks whether they have tried
to get their landlord to do something about it, and is told, "'Yes, sir,
and he says he will do it, and do it, but we know him better than to
believe him.'"

Bermondsey is now a middle-income London neighborhood, but its death rate
is still nearly the highest in the city. Like all British people, its
residents have access to reasonably good health care through the National
Health Service, so why are they so unhealthy? Today people in Bermondsey
die not from cholera and scarlet fever, but mainly from diseases of
adulthood that are not considered contagious, such as heart disease,
stroke, diabetes, and cancer of the stomach and lung. Lung cancer is known
to be caused by smoking, but a number of researchers have proposed that the
seeds of certain other diseases of middle and old age are actually planted
in childhood, or even before. As George Davey Smith, David Gunnell, and
Yoav Ben-Shlomo explain in Poverty, Inequality, and Health, poverty in
childhood, and even among parents and grandparents, may predispose people
today to many chronic adult diseases. So even though no one who lived in
Bermondsey during the nineteenth-century cholera epidemics survives today,
the poverty and infirmity of those times haunt their descendants like a
kind of genius loci. 

Many common illnesses in high-income countries today may be legacies of the
Industrial Revolution, a particularly unhealthy historical period. By the
middle of the nineteenth century, people in the Western world were
becoming, on average, slightly shorter in height. By 1900, Europeans and
Americans were growing again, and since then each generation has been
taller than the one before it. But between around 1820 and 1870, physical
growth in the West stalled, and at the same time, rates of death and
illness increased. The Industrial Revolution, which brought prosperity to
many people, also brought crowding, poverty, malnutrition, and disease to
many more. 

Today, new technology and expanded markets for commodities and labor are
creating new economic and social changes, and just as in the nineteenth
century, there are reasons to worry about the effects of the new economy on
human welfare. Everywhere the health of the middle class is improving, but
in many parts of the world, the health of the poor is not keeping pace.
Especially in countries where AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria are common,
the gap between the health of people in rich and poor nations, and the gap
between the health of the rich and poor within nations, are widening. The
average Japanese person lives about twice as long as the average person in
Malawi, Sierra Leone, or Uganda. Infant mortality in Africa may be five or
ten times as high as it is in the West. In the United States, the life
expectancy of Native Americans living on certain reservations lags by
decades behind that of well-to-do suburban whites. 

As the editors of Challenging Inequities in Health write, there is a
growing feeling that such enormous inequalities, while hardly new, are
unacceptable, because they so often result from such social injustices as
poor access to health care, inadequate food, impure water and air, unsafe
working conditions, and extreme poverty. The physical suffering of the poor
is not only abhorrent in its own right, but also serves as a barometer of
the fairness of the underlying social order. Several new books provide a
general view of health and poverty in the world today, and speculate that
something is ailing the planet at large.

Full review:

Louis Proyect
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