Friday, Feb. 16, 2001

O'Neill Remark Confuses Financial Markets

LONDON (Reuters) - U.S. Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill was quoted on Friday as
saying the United States was not actively following a strong dollar policy,
throwing financial markets into confusion.

The policy, which has held that a strong dollar is in U.S. interests,
underpinned the rally in U.S. financial assets during the second half of the

``We are not pursuing, as it is often said, a policy of a strong dollar. In my
opinion a strong dollar is the result of a strong economy,'' O'Neill said in an
interview with Germany's Frankurter Allgemeine Zeitung, published a day before a
Group of Seven industrial nations meeting in Palermo, Italy.

The dollar took an immediate hit on the comments, losing half a cent to the euro
and nearly half a yen, but rebounded after the U.S. Treasury said that there had
been no change in the strong dollar policy.

``There has been no change in a strong dollar policy at all,'' a U.S. Treasury
spokesman said, adding Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill had not said anything
different from before in an interview with Germany's Frankfurter Allgemeine

He added that the strong dollar was a reflection of the strong U.S. economy.


Currency markets went on high alert when U.S. President George W. Bush picked
O'Neill for the top job at the Treasury, with speculation rife that the former
chairman of aluminum giant Alcoa would be more sympathetic than his predecessors
to the pain inflicted on U.S. exporters by a strong dollar.

But against a backdrop of slowing U.S. growth, traders became concerned that
O'Neill would distance himself from a policy, which had been crafted and
maintained by Robert Rubin, a former investment banker, and Lawrence Summers, an

O'Neill sought to put such worries to rest after he said a month ago at his
confirmation hearing before the Senate Finance Committee that there would be no
sudden shift in the United States exchange-rate policy:

``I thought, in the interest of not wasting a lot of television footage, I
should say at the very outset, I am in favor of a strong dollar. I can't imagine
why anyone would think to the contrary.''


O'Neill said in the FAZ interview that intervention in currency markets was not
right in principle but there could be exceptions.

``To intervention I only want to say this much: In principle there should not be
intervention in markets. But there can be exceptions,'' he was quoted as saying.

O'Neill said the U.S. Federal Reserve's one percentage point interest rate cut
in January had been very useful but said he was not sure whether it would have
an effect soon.

``I'm not sure whether we will soon see the first signs of a recovery in the
economy or whether we will have a zero growth rate for some time,'' he said.

When asked whether the economy in the euro zone was weak, O'Neill answered by
referring to the single currency:

``I don't understand all this talk about a weak euro. Who wants to say with
certainty where the ``right'' rate for the euro against the dollar is?''

He said he had told Congress it was important to bring in President Bush's plans
for a $1.6 trillion reduction in taxes as soon as possible.

O'Neill said the tax reform could be financed without eating into that portion
of the U.S. budget surplus earmarked for social security and pensions.

But he signaled that this act of fiscal loosening was not the beginning of a

``We must maintain discipline and not allow ourselves to fall into huge new
spending programs,'' O'Neill said.

He said the financial markets would do well to price the future into their
current calculations. ``At the moment the data shows that the market is assuming
another rate cut. That is good for the economy,'' he said.

O'Neill reiterated his dislike for intervening to help other countries out of
financial crises.

``In the future it will be important to show countries who threaten to fall into
difficulties that the rest of the world will not be ready to help them.''

Asked whether the U.S. government would buy up private investments if there were
further budget surpluses and no more debts to pay off, O'Neill said:

``That is a terrible idea. In a capitalist system like ours it is not the
business of the government to own companies.''

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