May 2004 FFIPP Update

Dear Friends of FFIPP,

Recent events in Gaza, the massive destruction of homes and civilian lives
in Rafah and Gaza City, should be protested world wide.  (See below
information on events in Gaza and email addresses for sending messages of
outrage and condemnations.) Moreover, urgent action is needed to prevent
further destruction and death in Gaza. Israel Defense Forces Chief of Staff
Lieutenant General Moshe Ya'alon is quoted in the Haaretz, saying, "Hundreds
of Palestinian houses along the Israel-Egypt border have been targeted for

The large demonstration in Tel Aviv to  łGet out of Gaza and Start talking˛
is encouraging. We hope it will energize the peace camp in Israel to be
active in building a movement to end the occupation of all Palestinian land
taken in 1967 and to work with Palestinians for reconciliation, peace and
justice for both people.

FFIPP Upcoming Activities

FFIPP 3rd International Conference

FFIPP 2nd International Conference: An End to Occupation, A Just Peace in
Israel-Palestine: Toward an active International Network,  will take place
at the Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium on July 3 -5, 2004.

The conference will address the following issues:
Higher Education in Palestine and the Defense of Academic Freedom
The Wall, the Settlements and the Occupation: Which Way Forward?
The Role of the European Union
Report from Peace Groups in Israel-Palestine
Reconciliation Today, Peace Tomorrow
Group Discussions: Proposals for Action

Panelists include: Prof. Okasha, Egypt; Eric Rouleau, France; Pierre
Galland, Belgium; Issac Jad, Palestine, Oren Yiftachel, Israel; Salim
Tamari, Palestine; Dr. Eyad El Sarraj, Palestine; Shulamit Aloni, Israel;
Johan Galtung, Norway; Prof. Etienne Balibar, France; Prof. Adi Ophir,
Israel; Luisa Morgontini, Italy; and others.

A special effort is made to attract students to the conference and establish
a student network for peace, justice and democracy in Israel-Palestine and
the Middle East.  Please spread the word about the conference among your
colleagues and students.

Registration for the conference can be done on the FFIPP web site,
<>, or at the conference. Information on hotels for the
participants of the conference is on the FFIPP web site as well. Please let
us know if you need an invitation from a faculty member at the Universite
Libre de Bruxelles.

FFIPP Faculty Delegation to Israel-Palestine: June 18 - July 1, 2004

FFIPP 5th Delegation to Israel-Palestine is planned for June 18 to July 1.
The delegation will meet with faculty and students in Israel and the
occupied territories, Israeli and Palestinian community and political
leaders, peace activists and experts on the conflict. Please visit FFIPP web
site,  <>, to learn about past FFIPP delegations.

FFIPP Fall Semester Campus Plans

FFIPP will continue with the joint talks of Israeli and Palestinian faculty.
FFIPP is also planning to organize a campus tour of an Arab and Jewish
students from Haifa University and a campus tour of two Palestinian students
from the occupied territories. A tour of two Israeli refusers is planned as
well. Please let us know if you are interested to host any of these events
on your campus. 

FFIPP Petition in Support of Academic Freedom for Palestinian and Freedom
from Occupation

In case you did sign the petition please do so via the FFIPP web site,
<>. Please ask your colleagues to sign the petition as

Thank you.

For Peace and Justice

Yoav Elinevsky

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