France's Five Cardinal Sins Over Iraq
André Glucksmann
International Herald Tribune
February 22, 2003

PARIS: The usual trans-Atlantic spats are growing into a full-blown divorce.
It is time everyone swept off his own doorstep and closely examined his
government's responsibilities. In my view, Paris has committed five cardinal

1. Demolition. Responding to the eight-plus-10 European states that have
sided with the United States, President Jacques Chirac sealed an "alliance
for peace" with President Vladimir Putin of Russia on Feb. 10. In so doing,
he revived in Central Europe the harsh memory of three centuries spent in
the shadow - or under the heel - of the Russian "big brother."

With the European community divided and NATO splintering, the Franco-German
duo calls itself "Europe" and says it speaks for 25 nations, but represents
only three (thanks to Belgium). The "old European" couple criticizes
American "arrogance" and "unilateralism," compliments that can easily be
turned back on them. Is there a more insane way to saw off the branch you're
sitting on? Is there a less productive path to European unity?

2. Moral scandal. The French-German-Russian coalition (joined by China and
Syria) proclaims itself the "moral" axis, the "peace camp." But this
"anti-war party" has its feet firmly planted in war. For those who may have
forgotten, think of the Caucasus, where the Russian Army razed Chechnya's
capital city, Grozny, and left from 100,000 to 300,000 cadavers in its wake.

No more horrific war is being waged against civilians today. The Holocaust
Museum in Washington - which can hardly be suspected of spreading extremist
Islamic propaganda - ranks the Chechen conflict No. 1 on its "genocide
watch." What are the anti-war activists dreaming of when Chirac promises
Putin his support?

In the name of "international law," Paris and Berlin are choosing curious
allies. Witness the recent election, thanks to the abstention of the
Europeans, of Libya to the chair of the UN Human Rights Commission! Putin,
Jiang Zemin of China, Moammar Gadhafi of Libya, Bashar Assad of Syria: why
is the "peace camp" attracting butchers?

3. Demagogy over democracy. Eighty percent of Westerners support peace over
war. Who wouldn't? Draping themselves in "global opinion" and scoffing at
other governments as "vassals" of the war clique, Paris and Berlin are
recycling arguments used by the Stalinist "peace movements." The
revolutionaries of yesteryear pitted "peoples" against "formal democracy."
Do Chirac and Chancellor Gerhard Schröder of Germany today question the
notion that, in a proper democracy, decisions are made not by polling
institutes, or at the stock market, or in the streets, but in the voting
booth? The elected representatives in London, Prague, Sofia, Madrid, and
Warsaw are as legitimate as those in Paris and Berlin.

4. Powerlessness. The same global opinion polls, meanwhile, show that 75
percent of the world views Saddam as a threat to peace. While one actor can
indeed trigger a conflict, it takes two to disarm. Yet for the past 12 years
Baghdad has done nothing but deceive and delay. A malevolent state can
easily camouflage instruments of biological and chemical terror, scientists
agree. Dragging out inspections and adding inspectors will only allow the
dictator to push the game into overtime forever.

5. Wait and not see. Well-meaning souls whisper, "Certainly the Iraqi tyrant
is a villain. He's tortured, killed, gassed. But how many other leaders
around the world have blood on their hands? Why pick on Saddam?" Because he
is more frightening. Because he is an ever-present powder keg in the heart
of a fire zone. Because we must stop him from playing with his apocalyptic

Imagine Kim Jong Il, North Korea's leader, with his arsenal, ruling Iraq,
threatening to pulverize not Seoul but Riyadh. The planet would be
petrified! The Iraqi problem is not that of a local dictator, but a global
peril. However, if you listen to the "peace party," it's always too early -
"Iraq has no nuclear weapons; there's no need to intervene" - or too late -
"North Korea has nuclear weapons; it's too dangerous to take action."

Paris and Berlin are living on a cloud. That does not mean American
strategists are infallible or that we have to hand them a blank check.

The writer is a French philosopher. This comment was translated by Tony

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