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FEATURE STORY | March 11, 2002

Reformer From Goldman Sachs

Jon Corzine, the freshman senator from New Jersey, is uniquely
positioned to deal with the swirling scandals of Enron and other
related malpractices in high finance. He was a Wall Street insider
himself and, indeed, did some deals for Enron. In 1994 Corzine rose to
become chairman of Goldman Sachs, the vastly influential investment
house, and presided during the decade's booming financial markets.
Then he retired and spent more than $60 million (nearly one-seventh of
his personal fortune) to win election to the Senate in 2000 as, in his
words, a "self-funded candidate." Now Corzine is aggressively speaking
for reform.

"I'm not sure I fully accept the 'rot' concept," the Senator said with
a small smile, when I asked how bad the rot is. "I think we have not
updated our financial system for many years, and we've allowed the
theme of deregulation to erode the checks and balances in our
financial system, at a period of time when technology and
globalization and financial entrepreneurship were growing at geometric
paces. So I think there was as much a failure to stay apace with the
system as there was rot."

Still, he acknowledges, the rot is real too. "I think at the end of
the day we will find it was more a bad-actor situation than systemic,
but, you know, I wouldn't bet my life on it," he said. Corzine sees a
degradation of values in business and finance that goes deeper than
regulatory laws--a single-minded focus on earnings-per-share to the
neglect of everything else. "The system to some extent has lost track
of its other objectives of social responsibility, of ethics, as they
relate to employees and their position in society," he said.

In any case, the Senator recognizes the need for a long-term agenda of
repair and reform and has already staked out a forward position in
confronting the current outrages like the false independence of
independent auditors, the ease with which much-celebrated corporations
falsify their earnings and indebtedness and the myriad ways in which
Wall Street banks and brokerages help companies game accounting
principles and the tax code. "As interesting as Enron is as either a
criminal or regulatory investigation, and it is, I'm mostly interested
in it for purposes of revealing...the need to get on with updating our
[regulatory] system for the twenty-first century, dealing with changes
that we've been sitting on for a very long time, whether it's pension
reform or accounting reform or corporate governance reform or campaign
finance reform."

Senator Corzine promises to be an influential voice in all these
matters, first, because he thinks and votes like an old-fashioned
economic liberal (not many of those around anymore), and second,
because he is intimately familiar with the inner mechanics of how
finance and corporations function together and how their excesses
damage society. His manner is deliberate and precise, even cautious,
but also pleasantly free of the overheated rhetoric that passes for
serious discussion among his colleagues. The man is not a bomb
thrower. He is an investment banker who was at the table himself when
deals were done and is not eager to turn on his former occupation.
Still, his own stature and integrity will be measured by how deeply he
is willing to dig into the muck. The present storm is an important
turning point, a beginning, at least, of the long and difficult
politics needed to restore the public values and protections eroded or
destroyed during the past twenty years of laissez-faire orthodoxy.
Corzine is taking the public's side in that fight.

"Unfortunately, we don't have Teddy Roosevelt in the White House," the
Senator said. "And without the bully pulpit and the support of the
President for a lot of the initiatives that need to be taken, I
suspect we will get marginal, incremental steps but not really get at
the heart of a lot of these issues." Many Democrats are as conflicted
as Republicans on these matters, having taken the campaign money and
bought into the virtues of deregulation themselves. Corzine,
nevertheless, envisions a comprehensive reform agenda. "Do I think we
are going to get it in the next six months before an election?
Probably not. But, you know, these are processes that will continue.
That I'm optimistic about."

The recurring financial crises and breakdowns during the past two
decades--from junk bonds and the savings and loan collapse and major
bank bailouts of the 1980s to the failure of Long Term Capital
Management in 1998 and the current explosion--demonstrate the
long-neglected need to rehabilitate government supervision and
regulation, Corzine believes. Among other things, he wants to regulate
hedge funds, reform pension protections, reconfigure the Securities
and Exchange Commission with stronger enforcement powers over auditors
and impose tougher limits on corporate SPEs--"special-purpose
entities," like Enron's off-the- books partnerships. "You have almost
the same sort of problems in each one of those [past] cases," Corzine
observed. "Probably the most egregious was the savings and loan
crisis--they used a lot of the same techniques you see in the Enron

"The fact is, it is too easy to cook the books if there is no
regulatory structure to check it," he said. "And that is exactly what
happened to Enron." What complicates reform, Corzine warned, is that
many outrageous practices that look plainly criminal to citizens may
not have technically broken the law. "The rules of the road are so
ambiguous," he said, "they allowed their financial geniuses to do what
served their aim in getting market value." He demurs on the idea of
stiffer criminal penalties, but suggests there may be a need for more
sentencing guidelines on civil fraud and failed audits.

As scandalous revelations bubble up around other companies, Corzine
worries about a danger that hasn't yet gotten much attention--the
potential impact on the US economy and America's vulnerability as a
debtor nation. "If people don't have confidence in how they go about
making investment decisions," he explained, "it soon will show up in
aggregates in regard to investment.... For instance, I don't think
it's going to happen to my old company, but if a company like Goldman
Sachs, which is super-well-regarded in the economic and financial
system, or GE or Citigroup, came unwound like it's Enron, then people
start losing confidence in what they believe in--then you have a much
more serious effect."

At a recent Senate hearing Corzine asked Federal Reserve chairman Alan
Greenspan if he saw any "economic value" in the special partnerships
Enron had devised to hide debt, avoid taxes and prettify its earnings
reports. None, Greenspan replied. Corzine's question carries an
important insight that goes to the guts of what's wrong in the
financial-corporate operating system. These arcane accounting
maneuvers obviously benefit companies (and the Wall Street banks and
brokerages that invent such devices for corporate clients), but do
they add any real benefit to the economy and thus for the general
public? When I suggested that his question should be asked
across-the-board about the corporate gimmicks employing offshore
banking havens to avoid US taxes and escape US securities laws, the
Senator turned a bit defensive, perhaps because his firm invented some
of those gimmicks. "Objectively and statistically, I can't tell you
whether more of them are eyewash than not," he said. "But I saw a lot
of them that were used for good purposes when I was an investment
banker." The examples he offered seemed unpersuasive to me (but judge
for yourself--the interview text is posted at www.thenation.com).

The Wall Street Journal recently zinged Corzine and Goldman Sachs for
inventing their own peculiar device for Enron back in 1993 with a
similar purpose--the "monthly income preferred shares" (or MIPS) that
enabled Enron to sell fifty-year securities through an entity it
created on a Caribbean island. For tax purposes, Enron described the
preferred stock as "debt" and claimed tax deductions on the interest
payments to investors. For shareholder reports, Enron called it
"equity" that supposedly boosted the company's capital value. As
Goldman's chairman, Corzine joined the lobbying efforts to overturn
the Treasury Department's objections to this novel device. He signed
an industry letter to members of Congress, urging them to keep the
regulators off their backs, and Treasury eventually gave up the fight.
The device is now used by other companies to raise somewhat cheaper
capital offshore and, in the same stroke, reduce their US tax

"In that particular case, there's no question the financial
engineering did what you just said it did," Corzine responded. But he
argued that unlike other Enron deals, it was fully disclosed at the
time, vetted by the credit-rating agencies and eventually upheld in
litigation. Goldman, he added, stopped doing deals with Enron about
five years ago because "we ended up having difficulty with how people
did business with each other." He has recused himself from voting on
any item that goes directly to Goldman Sachs's bottom line.

On reflection, the Senator agreed that he may need to re-evaluate some
of his work as an investment banker now that he represents the public
interest. "By the way," Corzine said, "I'm not sure, as a senator now
who is interested in absolutely making sure, particularly in the
current environment, that we have transparency and openness, that I
would be as supportive today, given that we have created a world where
people are skeptical of why [business] people are doing this." Maybe
he will look back through all those letters to Washington he signed as

That brought the conversation around to the power of Wall Street and
the one-sided contest in which financial-corporate interests influence
lawmakers and help shape ambiguous regulatory language they then
manipulate into ingenious loopholes. As Goldman Sachs chairman,
Corzine spoke for the firm and its clients' interests, but he said he
always tried to frame a larger public purpose. "If it was pure
self-interest you were about, you quickly lost an ability to have any
advocacy of acceptability, except to those particular folks who were
so happy for the money that they were just dealing with it," he said.
"I'm not going to name names." What about former Treasury Secretary
Robert Rubin's call to the Assistant Treasury Secretary on behalf of
Citigroup and Enron, asking him to pressure credit-rating agencies to
go easy on the failing company? "I'm sure Bob didn't feel good about
the call he was making.... In fact, he's torn between his
responsibility as a senior member of Citigroup who's working to
represent a client's interest and representing what he thinks is good
public policy."

Corzine himself is now experiencing the lopsided political pressures
from the other end, as he tries to push pension-fund reforms to
protect future retirees from various corporate abuses. "The companies
holding 401(k)s are resisting changes that would bring sound
diversification to portfolios," he said. "The response, I think, of a
lot of folks in political life is, well, they can't be all wrong,
those guys on that side. There's a more willing ear because of how the
system works. You know, nobody is coming up here speaking for the
individual investor."

"I'd like to level the playing field so that all points of view have
the same throw-weight," he said. "Some of those who are left out of
the debate don't seem to have much, relative to others. And I think
it's potentially dangerous." With a hint of anger, he mentioned the
one-sided bankruptcy bill passed with bipartisan support in both
houses, but now lingering in conference committee because its sponsors
are embarrassed to enact it during bleak times and rising
unemployment. "A bankruptcy bill that was basically written by the
banking and credit-card industry," Corzine said, "and completely
ignored the hooting and hollering of small folks and their rights in
the legal system."

Campaign finance reform is essential to creating a "level playing
field" for citizens, but, though he voted for McCain-Feingold, he
fears it will mainly lead to unintended consequences, including more
"self-funded candidates" of wealth like himself. "I think that we need
to get public financing of campaigns generally, and if we did that,
I'd be willing to make sure that folks who are wealthy come into the
system--that they either comply or, if they don't comply, they'd get
the opprobrium of the public," Corzine said. "But I think what's going
to happen now is, we're going to get just derivative political-action
committees taking up most of the soft money and repositioning it."

The one element in McCain-Feingold that seemed most valuable to
Corzine was the provision forcing lower prices for TV campaign
advertising--a vital first step, he believes, toward en-acting broad
public financing for campaigns, real public debates and other reforms
to restore democracy. Yet as we talked, Corzine also predicted that
the very powerful broadcasting industry would find a way to kill this
measure before final enactment. Sure enough, the next day it was
removed from the bill before the House passed it. The Senator from
Wall Street appears to understand well enough how Washington works.

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