[Full piece at: http://thenation.com/doc.mhtml?i=20010326&s=greider ]

FEATURE STORY | March 26, 2001

Trading With the Enemy

A new season of trade politics is under way among Washington insiders, with an
astonishing twist: America's major multinational corporations are love-bombing
labor and environmentalists. Leading business interests, it turns out, are not
opposed to incorporating labor and environmental rights into new trade
agreements after all. "These are important issues that cannot be ignored," the
Business Roundtable announced, in a report speaking for about 200 of the best
and biggest corporate logos, from General Motors to General Electric. The
Emergency Committee for American Trade and the National Association of
Manufacturers have been shopping a list of various labor-enviro measures they
might support in upcoming trade negotiations. The Economic Strategy Institute, a
think tank financed by steel, aviation, semiconductors, autos and other
manufacturers, went much further. ESI published a scholarly study that argues
labor-rights enforcement will actually generate greater economic efficiency in
the global system and healthier development for poor countries.

This abrupt friendliness toward reform from its most stalwart industrial
opponents represents meaningful progress for the popular forces that made their
anticorporate coalition visible in Seattle. Alas, it is not the millennial
consensus the corporates wish to depict. "The only whiff of sincerity," said
Daniel Seligman of the Sierra Club, "is they sincerely want fast track
legislation with minimum cost to their bottom lines." Lori Wallach, director of
Global Trade Watch, described the business offensive as "a splash of green and
blue paint" intended to get out of the political stalemate threatening further
trade liberalization. "They've hit the political reality," she said. "It's
slaying them."

The business motives clearly involve tactical politics, not some sort of
ideological conversion, but we may at least pause to savor the new music. A year
ago, all right-thinking experts discounted and ridiculed the new social movement
as self-indulgent and destructive. "Luddite whackos," in the Wall Street
Journal's memorable phrase. Economists and free-trade cheerleaders in the media
condescendingly lectured the activists on how impossible it would be to
incorporate "social" values into international agreements without wrecking the
global economy. Besides, they scolded, don't you know such measures do the
gravest harm to the struggling poor of the world? Now that global corporations
are shifting to a more sympathetic line, one awaits a similar revisionism among
their media camp followers. Or will the pundit class turn its fire on Boeing,
Microsoft and others for caving to the Seattle rabble? More likely, the
opinion-makers will blame the bleeding-heart agitators for again mucking up

The important point is that, tactical insincerity aside, many US multinationals
are implicitly retreating from an untenable intellectual position, as some
business reps privately confirm. A central question raised by labor and others
is, How can the trading system invoke penalties like tariffs to protect
intellectual property rights or capital investors but insist this device would
be illegitimate for labor rights and other human concerns? "There's no answer to
that on intellectual grounds," one business-friendly thinker confided.
"Businesspeople realize the debate has shifted, but they're trying to figure out
how they can still preserve their position."

The intellectual concession is expressed most directly in the ESI's report Labor
Standards in the Global Trading System, by Peter Morici, a neoclassical
economist from the University of Maryland and former economics director at the
US International Trade Commission. Arguing that poor labor conditions hamper
long-term growth even though they may appear to have short-term advantages,
Morici wrote that exploited labor in developing economies, including child labor
and discrimination against women, "may be expected to reduce wages for less
skilled workers in [their] domestic markets, increase exports and place downward
pressure on the wages for competing workers in foreign economies." When freedom
of association, the right to organize and other labor rights aren't protected,
the annual savings in labor costs average more than $6,000 per worker, Morici
estimated. These practices may attract low-end investments to a country's export
zones but won't have much positive effect on economywide development, he wrote.
"Lax enforcement of workers' rights encourages prolonged reliance on
less-skilled, labor-intensive activities and does little to encourage
economy-wide capital formation, the development of more advanced industries and
long-term growth," Morici reported.

This analysis is a pretty good fit with what AFL-CIO president John Sweeney has
been saying when he promotes "fairness" and new rules for the global system,
though Morici is deriving his conclusions from standard economic theory as well
as the accumulated evidence. The ability of some countries to gain advantage
against foreign competitors by exploiting their workforces ultimately distorts
the allocation of investment capital for everyone in the system and thus is
inefficient, he explained. Thus, he said, the economic logic for enforcing labor
rights through trade rules is identical to the World Trade Organization's
justification for invoking penalties against, say, a government subsidizing its
auto industry to gain illegitimate advantage over others. In both cases the
consequences distort trade, for the same theoretical reasons.

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