file under: pogroms. it appears that a serious investigation would show 
complicity of the state govt
New York Times

December 24, 1997

Gunmen Kill 45 Indians in Mountain Hamlet


MEXICO CITY -- A band of gunmen charged into a southern mountain hamlet on 
Monday spraying rifle fire and swinging machetes, and killed 45 Indians, 
including 15 children, Red Cross officials said on Tuesday. Thirteen others 
were wounded.

It was the bloodiest violence in the area, Chiapas state in the south, since 
Indian rebels began an uprising there four years ago.

The attack, which survivors said was a prolonged and calculated assault by 
Indians who support the government on a village crowded with their political 
rivals, brought swift condemnation from President Ernesto Zedillo. But it 
still deepened the explosive polarization in Chiapas: Catholic Church 
leaders accused local officials of ignoring urgent pleas for help as the 
bloodshed began.

Zedillo, in a national broadcast on Tuesday afternoon, called the attack "a 
cruel, absurd and unacceptable criminal act," and ordered the federal 
attorney general to investigate, pointedly sidelining senior state officials 
from his own political party.

The killings in the village, Chenalho, a town of Tzotzil Indians, capped an 
outburst of violence in Indian villages in the pine-forested highlands of 
Chiapas in which more than 300 people, both allies and opponents of the 
government, have been killed since 1994. The tensions continue to simmer 
because the government has not reached a peace accord with the Zapatista 
guerrillas whose strongholds are in the region.

"They came in shooting at about 11 o'clock and we tried to flee into the 
mountains," Agustin Perez, a resident of the hamlet, said. "Some came in 
from one side and others came in from another side. We were so frightened, 
we tried to hide by the banks of a little river that runs nearby. But our 
children started to cry and the attackers heard them and came after us 

Another survivor, Manuel Perez Perez, told reporters in San Cristobal de Las 
Casas, the largest city in the area: "They attacked us because they know we 
have no weapons. The shooting started at 11 in the morning and it went on 
and on all day."

Victims who died of bullet wounds and stab cuts included an infant and 14 
children. There were no reports that residents of the Chenalho hamlet 
returned fire during the several hours they were under assault.

According to survivors' accounts, several dozen gunmen armed with AK-47 
combat rifles and other sophisticated weapons surrounded the hamlet and 
moved in shooting into a cluster of makeshift dwellings belonging to Indians 
from several other villages who are sympathizers of the Zapatista rebels, 
and who were driven from their homes in recent weeks in violent 
confrontations with pro-government paramilitary bands.

The survivors said they had been warned in recent days by armed followers of 
the government party, the Institutional Revolutionary Party, or PRI, that an 
attack was planned. The PRI followers remained in the hamlet, attacking 
anyone who did not flee, until late in the afternoon. Then they reportedly 
sacked the empty adobe huts and lean-tos of residents who fled, taking money 
and foodstuffs.

The PRI party president, Mariano Palacios Alcocer, on Tuesday condemned the 
violence and denied that the party had encouraged it.

"This is a situation that defies understanding, where there has been no 
official will to get the violence under control," said Bishop Samuel Ruiz, 
the leading Catholic prelate in the Chiapas highlands. His relations with 
the government are in conflict because of his support for grass-roots Indian 
causes in the state, including the Zapatistas.

The Rev. Gonzalo Ituarte, a priest in Ruiz's diocese, said Catholic 
officials heard reports of killings from panicked Chenalho residents as 
early as noon on Monday and immediately relayed the information to the state 

"They evidently did nothing," Ituarte said. "We don't know what the 
authorities will do now, but we know we can't trust them because they had 
the opportunity to stop this and they did nothing."

At least 30 people have been killed this year in Chenalho in violence 
between a faction of Indian residents who identify themselves as PRI party 
followers and others who side with the Zapatista rebels. In one hamlet in 
the township, Zapatista supporters rejected the local PRI government and set 
up a rebel mayor's office.

Behind the conflicts is a complex fabric of generations-old hostilities, 
including disputes over scarce farming land and religious feuds between 
Catholics and Protestants. But since the Zapatista uprising began on Jan. 1, 
1994, demanding greater justice for the poor Indians of Chiapas, Indians on 
both sides have armed themselves with combat rifles. Sporadic fighting over 
the following few weeks was finally ended with a informal cease-fire.

Zapatista followers and Catholic church officials have long accused the 
state PRI government of financing the paramilitary squads of their 
sympathizers to help them buy guns. Governor Julio Cesar Ruiz Ferro, who is 
a PRI member, firmly denies the charge. But last week he authorized some 
funds for one well-known paramilitary organization in the region, called 
Peace and Justice, saying they would be used for peaceful village 
development projects.

Ruiz Ferro attempted to mediate to settle the differences in Chenalho in 
recent weeks. But the negotiations broke down earlier this month when the 
PRI faction walked out.

Although most witnesses identified the assailants as PRI party sympathizers, 
Ruiz Ferro did not accept that description, saying at a news conference that 
he deplored the violence but did not want to "engage in labeling." He 
pledged to undertake an investigation, but within hours Zedillo announced 
that federal authorities would take over the case.

Zedillo called on the Zapatistas to rejoin peace talks but offered no new 
measures to induce them to do so. The president postponed a traditional 
annual Christmas message to the nation scheduled for Tuesday night.

Copyright 1997 The New York Times Company

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