Published on Monday, March 10, 2003 by the Guardian/UK
A Supreme International Crime
Any Member of a Government Backing an Aggressive War Will Be Open to

by Mark Littman

The threatened war against Iraq will be a breach of the United Nations
Charter and hence of international law unless it is authorized by a new and
unambiguous resolution of the security council. The Charter is clear. No
such war is permitted unless it is in self-defense or authorized by the
security council.

Self-defense has no application here. Neither the United States nor the UK,
nor any of their allies, is under attack or any threat of immediate attack
by Iraq.

Nor is there any authority from the security council. Resolution 1441 does
not constitute any such authority as the reference to "serious consequences"
is not sufficiently precise to justify war. Whatever the US may have wanted,
the resolution was deliberately vague because the council had not agreed on
the use of force. A new resolution would therefore be required. It would
have to be in unambiguous terms authorizing the use of force.

In the absence of such a resolution, the attack would, be unlawful. On this
point I agree completely with the terms of the letter from 16 eminent
international lawyers to 10 Downing Street published in last Friday's

What would be the consequences of such illegality? Most obvious would be the
human, economic and environmental costs, including any further violence that
a war against Iraq might trigger. An illustration of how unpredictable and
incalculable such costs might be is furnished by a recollection of the
events of 1914. When the Hapsburg empire attacked the Serbs, the campaign
was expected to be short because of the immense military superiority of
Austria/Hungary over the Kingdom of Serbia. Four years later, the Hapsburg
empire, together with those of Germany and Russia, lay in ruins. A residue
of bitterness and hatred was left that bred an even worse war 20 years later
in which there were more than 50 million fatalities. Who can say with
certainty where today's threatened war might lead?

A second consequence would be of immense world significance, for it would
mean the end of the United Nations and with it the final collapse of the
efforts of the past century to create effective international institutions
that would replace perpetual war with perpetual peace.

If attempts to create such international institutions were abandoned, the
clock would be turned back to a time when nations had to depend for their
security on the uncertain and shifting patterns of alliances and their own
military defenses. This would inevitably lead to more being spent on swords
and less on ploughshares.

A third consequence might be grave for members of the governments that
brought about this unlawful war. The United Nations Charter is a treaty, one
to which 192 out of a total of 196 sovereign states in the world are
parties. It takes precedence over all other treaties.

At the Nuremberg trials, the principles of international law identified by
the tribunal and subsequently accepted unanimously by the General Assembly
of the United Nations included that the planning, preparation or initiation
of a war contrary to the terms of an international treaty was "a crime
against peace". The tribunal further stated "that to initiate a war of
aggression... is not only an international crime, it is the supreme
international crime".

It was for this crime that the German foreign minister Von Ribbentrop was
tried, convicted and hanged. This case and the subsequent case of former
Chilean president Pinochet show that it is not only governments but also
individuals who can be held responsible for such a crime. Jurisdiction to
try such a crime is not, for the foreseeable future, within the scope of the
new International Criminal Court. It is, however, open to any country in the
world to accept such jurisdiction. Some are already moving in that
direction. Instances are the proceedings in the Belgian courts against Ariel
Sharon in relation to alleged crimes in the Lebanon, and the active
involvement of the courts of Spain in relation to alleged crimes against
humanity said to have been committed by Pinochet. Members of any governments
actively involved in bringing about an unlawful war against Iraq would be
well advised to be cautious as to the countries they visit during the
remainder of their lives.

In a remarkable statement to the US Senate on February 12, Senator Robert
Byrd (West Virginia) described the US position. He referred to it as the
"extremely destabilizing and dangerous foreign policy debacle that the world
is currently witnessing" and said: "Our challenge is to now find a graceful
way out of a box of our own making." A refusal by the security council to
authorize hostilities should provide a graceful way out of the box. Our
government could lead the way.

Mark Littman QC is author of Kosovo: War and Diplomacy (Center for Policy
Studies). He has written and lectured extensively on international law.

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