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                        SUPPORT DR. DAVID LETHBRIDGE


            The Internet Anti-Fascist: Wednesday, 14 February 2001
                          Special Supplement (#513)

If You Value the Struggle Against Racism and Anti-Semitism,
We Appeal to You ....


    "I conclude that Eileen Pressler and the CPA (Council on Public Affairs)
    are missionaries for anti-Semitism and pro-white racism. ... Eileen
    Pressler and the CPA have committed the tort of publicly inciting hatred
    against identifiable groups, namely, persons of Jewish background and
    those of non-white origin. ...The (CPA) Digest expresses views that can
    only be described as viciously white supremacist, racist, and anti
    -Semitic. Such viewpoints go beyond what is acceptable in a free and
    democratic society. They engender hatred of identifiable groups in
    violation of the Criminal Code. Thus they are beyond the pale of the
    law. They are both tortious and criminal. ... The instances of
    engendering hatred of identifiable groups in the Digest are legion. ...
    Eileen Pressler, by way of the CPA, has advertised and promoted several
    books which can only be classified as virulently anti-Semitic. ...
    Insofar as Eileen Pressler is concerned, her rabid views, as they would
    be regarded by all reasonable people, have in many instances been
    expressed in a manner that I can only regard as unlawful."
       --  Justice Owen-Flood, 20 May 1998.


Ia complex civil lawsuit, anti-racist activist Dr. David Lethbridge was
found to have defamed Eileen Pressler and Claus Pressler. The suit alleged
that Lethbridge defamed the plaintiffs on two grounds --  the first
involving racism and antisemitism; the second involving the use to which
new property acquired by the Presslers would be put. Dr. Lethbridge lost
the suit, and has now lost a subsequent appeal. Essentially, the judges
found that Eileen Pressler and her organization were indeed racist and
antisemitic, but that the Presslers had been defamed on the property issue.
Dr. Lethbridge must now pay between $50,000 and $75,000 -- the exact figure
has yet to be determined. These funds must be raised, and very soon! If you
value the struggle against racism, antisemitism, and hate propaganda, we
appeal to you to help pay these legal costs.


On a CBC television show concerning rumors about property owned by Elieen
and Claus Pressler, Lethbridge was asked if he was the source of the
rumors. He said that he was not, and that it was his opinion that citizens
were concerned about the Pressler property because the organization
Pressler ran was anti-Semitic and racist. When Lethbridge was asked if he
gave any credence to the rumor that paramilitary training might be carried
out on the property, he explicitly denied the rumor, saying "They're not
going to do paramilitary training; they never have." Lethbridge then said
that it was his opinion that the property would be used to "hold
conventions of extreme right-wingers and print and distribute literature
which lies on the border of hate literature." He also said that the
property would be defended in the sense that it would be impossible to get
into, and difficult to picket since it was right on the highway. (Trial
testimony revealed that the CPA offices were indeed on the rumored
property, and that hate literature was indeed sold from that location.)

Strangely, the trial judge and the appeal judges found that Lethbridge's
few remarks constituted "defamatory libel" against Eileen and Claus
Pressler. The appeal judges further claimed that Lethbridge's off-broadcast
repetition to the TV reporter of rumors he had heard at a meeting of
concerned citizens somehow constituted the basis for the entire TV show,
and that Lethbridge was therefore responsible for the TV broadcast itself!


In the 1980s, Eileen Pressler was the president of the Salmon Arm chapter
of the BC Free Speech League which, according to the Canadian Jewish
Congress, was "in reality a vehicle for anti-Semitism and Holocaust-
denial." At a meeting of the Pressler chapter, a version of the viciously
anti-Jewish "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" was distributed. In the late
1980s and 1990s, Pressler founded and ran the Council on Public Affairs
(CPA), and edited the CPA Digest. The Digest carried materials from a
number of neo-Nazi sources. The assistant editor, Leonard Saunders, was an
open Holocaust-denier who expressed an extreme hatred of Jews. The
associate editor Eustace Mullins, was a long-time neo-Nazi, and prolific
author of hate literature. Pressler held "Leadership Conferences" where
such notable hate-mongers as Ernst Zundel, Jim Keegstra, David Irving, Bo
Gritz, and many others were invited to speak.

The courts found that Eileen Pressler and the CPA were indeed racist and

The courts did not find that Claus Pressler's attendance at Council on
Public Affairs functions, nor his appearance at other right-extremist
functions, nor his published remarks claiming that historical accounts of
the Nazi Holocaust against the Jews were "a battleship of lies," nor his
employment of Ku Klux Klan spokesperson Janice Miller Long at his pharmacy
constituted evidence of racism or antisemitism.


David Lethbridge has been an untiring anti-racist worker for many years. He
has played a primary role in exposing and combating the neo-Nazi Aryan
Nations organization across Canada, and helped  force the resignation of
its two top leaders. He has worked successfully against the KKK, the
antisemitic Canadian League of Rights, the racist Canadian British-Israel
Association and numerous other far-right formations. He has played a
significant role in exposing and combating fascist Internet sites and
bookstores. He has traveled across the country speaking out and organizing
resistance. He is the founder of the Salmon Arm Coalition Against Racism
(SACAR), and the Bethune Institute for Anti-Fascist Studies.


Clearly, this lawsuit is part of a longer and deeper struggle against
racial hatred and bigotry. David Lethbridge sought no personal gain over
those whom he opposed. Indeed, over many years of combating bigotry, he has
spent thousands of dollars of his own money, and has put his personal
safety on the line time and again. The struggle to expose and eliminate
organized racial hatred is a community struggle and a political struggle.
The response to this lawsuit must equally be a community and a political


The personal effect of the legal decision is financially devastating for
Dr. Lethbridge. He simply does not have the money to make the necessary
payments, and stands to lose both house and home. There are several ways
that you can help and can demonstrate your solidarity.

*   You can make a substantial direct financial donation. This is most
     important. Please give generously.

*   You can start a "dollar campaign:" send a dollar, and make sure that
     one other person you know sends a dollar, and that the person you asked
     asks another person to send a dollar, and so on. In that way, the
     appeal campaign fans out to wider and wider circles. Almost everyone
     can afford a dollar, and there must be 75,000 people who would send a
     dollar to demonstrate their solidarity against racism.

*   You, or an organization you belong to, can hold a concert or some other
     public benefit, to raise the necessary funds.

Please send all cheques, money orders, or cash donations to:

Lethbridge Defence:
1481 Okanagan Avenue
Salmon Arm, BC, Canada, V1E 1N5


    We have no ethical right to forgive, no historical right to forget.
       (No permission required for noncommercial reproduction)

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