Since I have logged back on temporarily, I have a question I have been wanting
to ask since 9-11.  About a year or so ago, someone posted to PEN-L a list
of US interventions around the world, with just a little bit of detail about
each one.  I thought I had saved it, but I can't find it anywhere.  Does 
someone still have a copy they could forward to me.  Thanks.

On that note, on NPR Morning Edition yesterday, they were doing a story about
once powerful corporations that are now in trouble and they discussed
Chiquita.  As part of the story, they mentioned that in the early 1950s,
the United Fruit Co was so powerful that they were able to get the US 
government to overthrow the elected government of Guatamala.  What was amazing
about the story was that they reported this as if there was nothing out
of the ordinary about it.  We have gone a long way back to the old world
view that the US government can overthrow any government it wants and even
the so called liberal media doesn't bat an eye.

Thanks for any help on the interventions list.

Doug Orr

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